Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post


A fact of life; Dogs always stick their head out of a car window (given the opportunity) - no matter whether the car is moving or not. :D
I saw a video on the web once of a dog's face, stuck out the window of a car, as the car accelerated to something like 75 mph[sup]*[/sup]. The dog nearly got it's face peeled off, but seemed to enjoy it.

[sup]*[/sup]That's somewhere around 150 kmph, for you silly Europeans who don't measure things correctly.
SinisterMinisterX said:
as the car accelerated to something like 75 mph[sup]*[/sup].

[sup]*[/sup]That's somewhere around 150 kmph, for you silly Europeans who don't measure things correctly.

actually it's 120 km aprox, big difference between 120 and 150. :smartarse: Ah those silly Americans that can't even look at the small red numbers in their speedometer.
Yax said:

Oh!  Mercy on all that is holy, Yax!  Is that a parody?  Cheesy as hell; it seems they picked up every stereotype on all metal genres and poured bucketfuls into a single video.  I'm going to call my cousin, who listens to Manowar, and introduce that footage to him. 

Should I cringe :ahhh: or just  :yey: bask in its cheesiness?  :D

EDIT: Only 96,700 posts left to go.
Anomica said:
Marmite is on of the reasons why the Britons are viewed suspiciously in the rest of Europe. Marmite, for God's sake :o  :nuts2: :puke:

However, Marmite is the food of the Gods! If the man upstairs made a quick sarnie, he would spread a thin layer of Marmite on it.
Albie said:

However, Marmite is the food of the Gods! If the man upstairs made a quick sarnie, he would spread a thin layer of Marmite on it.
I hope you're not implying that almighty [Echo]H[/Echo] would do such a thing?
So I do a Google search on Iron Maiden and Marmite and I stumble accross this. The Rock Marmite!

Initially, I did do a Google on Adrian Smith & Marmite, but still, some seemed to point to Maiden been the Marmite of Rock.
Okay, Albie.  So I go to the 'Artistfacts' page, and I remember something funny I had found a while a go.  One day, while digging around on the net, I found a page called 'Song Facts'.  Naturally, being a fanboy (and weighing up decency of band against their fame), I looked at Iron Maiden.  I looked at the first page, 2 A.M.

This is what I found

Now look at the comments.  Particularly, the author.  Recognise the name and location? :innocent:
Albie said:
Noah! The alter ego of...well, best we don't say. ;)
Someone at the Songfacts website edited that post because it used to contain a link to the song on the Commentary. I tried that with the first few songs, hoping to link to all the songs, but gave up after while, and I believe that all the links that I had made have been removed. Just wanted to let all the fans that needed song facts on Maiden know about the Commentary. :)
Another reason to stay put, Australians - you may wish to witness the successful defence of the Ashes on Aussie soil for the first time in aeon's. ;)

Granted, the Cook Cup may remain down under for a while yet!

p.s. That man on the train is..... :puke:
Child of the Grave said:
Someone at the Songfacts website edited that post because it used to contain a link to the song on the Commentary. I tried that with the first few songs, hoping to link to all the songs, but gave up after while, and I believe that all the links that I had made have been removed. Just wanted to let all the fans that needed song facts on Maiden know about the Commentary. :)

Someone should reverse your high negative rating as a result of this kindly deed.  ;)
Last Updated: Monday, 23 October 2006, 13:33 GMT 14:33 UK

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Train defecator hunted by police

Police have released a CCTV image of the suspect
A man has been defecating in trains across south-east England, causing damage costing £60,000 to repair

Holy crap! 60,000 pounds in repairs? What is it? Atomic shit? Is he eating Mexican food gone bad or worse... BRITISH food gone bad?