Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

NightProwler666 said:
I got my first driving license, but it sucks. In the first year, I can only drive with someone who has a driving license for more than 5 years, between 5 AM and 23 PM and speed up only to 90% of the speeding limit. :(

Oh crap. I thought our minister of transport and communication was an idiot for suggesting similar rules, I didn't know they were actually in use somewhere. Actually, what she suggested was stricter penalties for speeding and other offenses for drivers younger than 25 years, and that the threshold should be lower for revoking their license than for older drivers.

I think such rules are rubbish, because:

- It is not whether you drive at 80 or 75 kilometers per hour which makes the difference between accident and no accident. The young drivers who are overrepresented in accidents are idiots who drive recklessly and don't care about the rules.
- An idiot is an idiot, regardless of age.

As for having to be accompanied by an experienced driver: In Norway, that applies only to driving training for those older than 16 years who not yet have a driving license. Once you get the license (at earliest on the day you turn 18 years old) you can drive wherever you like. Alone.

The only condition is that if you commit an offense for which you lose your license, before you've had it for two years, you have to do the driving test again before you get it back. If you have had it for more than two years, and have it revoked, you get it back without a new test after the sentence is done. (For speeding, typically 6 months. For driving under influence, 2 years).
Eddies Wingman said:
As for having to be accompanied by an experienced driver: In Norway, that applies only to driving training for those older than 16 years who not yet have a driving license. Once you get the license (at earliest on the day you turn 18 years old) you can drive wherever you like. Alone.
Much the same as in the UK - except the earliest age to get a full license is 17.
These new rules were established in January here.

Eddies Wingman said:
An idiot is an idiot, regardless of age.
You're totally right.

On the other hand, I have a friend who always drives alone despite this rule, and he was involved in a crash (not his fault) but police didn't notice that he was driving alone. But, my grandfather whose car I'm supposed to drive won't let me drive it alone because of this rule... So, next year, this time, I'll get a full driving license.
Today is the last day I can register to get some tickets for the London Olympics. Part of me is thinking that as the venue itself is around 20 minutes train journey away, I should try to get a ticket or two - it only happens that close to you once in a lifetime.

But there's part of me that thinks - meh.
Yeah, we have a proxy server set up, but the guy that set it up was gone today. We were looking for some ECC RAM to beef up one of the other servers, so we stole it from an offline server. But it turns out that was the proxy, so we had to put it all back together again.
@ LC- yeah! We thot we were doing well doubling the ram of one server.. Until 300+ people in 12 locations lost the internet... ;)
Stallion Duck said:
fuck algebra.

Dude, it can suck, but you will use it the rest of your life. 
Stallion Duck said:
That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hate it.

I think it does. If you check your post, you'll find out you now love algebra.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
LooseCannon said:
I think it does. If you check your post, you'll find out you now love algebra.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. We have always been at war with East Asia.
Oh. I love Algebra now.

And that was a good book.
I'm glad I didn't have to refer you to Office 101.

We had an orwellian moment at work the other day, so I've reread 1984.
We just finished reading it in Language Arts. Along with Animal Farm.
That was one of the choices but I didn't have time to get the book and I already had 1984 so I just picked that one. BNW is definitely next on my To read list. As soon as I'm done with Cat's Cradle.
Wasted The Great said:
Yeah, we have a proxy server set up, but the guy that set it up was gone today.
The one thing that drives me round the bend is when people setup stuff in our IT dept and then do not document what they have done.* So, when we have an issue with it and they happen to be off, we spend so much time scratching about in the dark trying to figure out what has been done.

That said, I spend time trying to document everything I do - but I still get called on my day off because it's easier to call me than read through a note about it. That drives me mad as well.

*I'm not suggesting this person did not document what they did here, it's just reminds me of situations we have.