Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Beer for me as well. Soon going to  a mate to watch Manchester United wipe the grass with Chelsea (hopefully) and to have a couple of beers (certainly).

Random thought: Real basists play with their fingers. Good thing that I'm not a real basist, because it's so damn hard without a pick.  :D
Google's home page logo today is a cosmonaut, in honor of Yuri Gagarin (sp?) becoming the first man in space 50 years ago today.

Wait a minute - today is also the 150th anniversary of Fort Sumter, and the start of the US Civil War. No Google love for a war that ended slavery in the US?

Google needs a pic of a Confederate cannon shooting down a Soviet rocket. :innocent:
Yuri Gagarin is infinitely more important than Fort Sumter, sorry. One of them was one region's disavowed attempt to win the continuance of slavery, but is really a minor regional affair elsewhere. The other was a seminal moment in human history. The first time we dared to slip into the darkened void beyond our carbon spider's web, as a certain Bruce may have put it.
Who's Next is an awesome, awesome album. Impressive in every regard. But apart from the awesome songs, what I find most intriguing is what a hassle Pete Townshend must have gone through with those analogue synths!

Just a random observation - I'm listening to said album for the first time and there's a lot more to The Who than My Generation and Won't Get Fooled Again.

Edit ( So I don't have to double post):

I just realized that I've been here on the board for five years. That's half a decade. Boy, time flies by. Soon I'll be in a wheelchair and who-knows what else will happen in 70 years.
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar.

The first says, "I'll have a beer."

The second says, "I'll have one half of a beer."

The third says, "I'll have one fourth of a beer."

The bartender pulls out two bottles and says, "Fuck you guys."
My favourite bar joke:

A blonde walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the barman gave her one.

My favourite (and the oldest) maths joke:

Did you hear about the mathemetician with constipation?
He worked the log out with a pencil.
George Takei (Sulu) just replied to one of my tweets on Twitter. Evidence attached.


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LooseCannon said:
George Takei (Sulu) just replied to one of my tweets on Twitter. Evidence attached.

You rock. What was the tweet?

As for me, I had a bizarre comparison in guided tours. Yesterday, I led a group of 20 adolescent tenth-graders. Today, I led a group of 10 40-year old, suit-wearing academics. Guess which group was the disciplined and polite one.