Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Am I a bastard for pointing out that my computer works flawlessly?
(Maybe I'm just putting myself in position for a gigantic backfire ... I'd better backup my work files asap)

Perun said:Sounds like it. It's pretty frustrating though, I only got this laptop (including the disk) half a year ago...
What's RAID protection?
Stallion Duck said:So after hearing a ton about this Rebecca Black Friday thing, I had to see what everyone was getting worked up about.
The music industry is officially dead
Do yourself a favor and don't listen to it. I still can't think of a song worse than Friday.Cornfed Hick said:Sorry I'm late on this one, but when I saw this I had to comment. I read a review of this song that was absolutely brilliant. It concluded with the following line: "I would rather hear gunshots from my child's room than another song by Rebecca Black."
Too late. And I tend to agree with Perun, it's harmless tween schlock that is catchier than you think. Heck, this girl might actually make some cash -- I read that Friday was on the iTunes charts. Good for her.Stallion Duck said:Do yourself a favor and don't listen to it.
Oh, I sure can: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJQVlVHsFF8Stallion Duck said:I still can't think of a song worse than Friday.
Wasted The Great said:Should be under warranty?