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If it's a piece of shit computer, you might not be able to get power on certain slots. Glad it's working :)
It stopped working again. Crap. This whole day just started off the wrong way, continued the wrong way and I'm sure it's going to end the wrong way, too. I still have to check the mail when I get home.
Arg!  I did that a month ago, forgot one of my $40 credit card bills, and with the late fee and all, it was $116 the next month!  I was so pissed at myself.
Perun said:
It stopped working again.
Sometimes, some organisations block the use of USB ports - this may be why it does not work (particularly if its a UNI comp, they don't want people putting in flash drives and potentially infecting their network).

And RAID was well described by Ranko. It's a pretty standard form of HDD protection on servers and stuff - but as data can be duplicated or triplicated, you loose some of the space. Two 500GB HDD's RAID protected won't give you 1TB of space. We have disks go down and replacing faulty disks is simple and, normally, has no downtime.
Hmm, I don't know how I am going to get out of this. I guess I can finish the thesis in the computer pool, but afterwards I guess I'm going to get a new, proper computer once I have the cash together. Mind you, that's been my plan ever since I got this one. Still, annoying as hell.
Today I walked outside with some colleagues in the lunch break, and there was also a German student girl, who stays at our job for some months.

Me, pointing at some buildings, trying to rouse some interest in some local history:
Did you know that this quarter of the town was bombarded by Allied forces? They wanted to hit V1 installations but instead they hit houses of civillians. Lots of dead people. I thought I tell you because I can imagine that not everyone is aware of the fact that Allied forces bombed countries they wanted to free of the Germans. They made some huge blunders as well!

She, after a short pause, with angry voice:
Yeah, all Germans are wrong huh!


Ehh, apparently for some people the Don't Mention the War stuff is still actual. It really came as a surprise to me, and couldn't resist thinking (not saying) how narrowminded she acted. I never offended the Germans.
Now that was a strange reaction. Don't Mention The War indeed.

Wonder how the Japanese react to the same? They treated their enemies no better than the Nazis, they certainly did see themselves as a superior race or "Herrenvolk" prior to WWII, but I have the impression that the post-war generations are dominated by pacifists. Wonder how people there react when one brings up WWII.
Eddies Wingman said:
Now that was a strange reaction. Don't Mention The War indeed.

A while back, after I told her that there is a very successful exhibition about Adolf Hitler, she said with an uninterested look on her face: "He wasn't a German, he was born in Austria" (ignoring his political role and the fact that he was German citizen after 1932).

About Japan, I don't think I ever conversed with a Japanese person myself (that sounds strange because my country is full of countless nationalities), but I always have had the idea that the Japanese only emphasize their own suffering. People in the Netherlands (and other countries) are still waiting for apologies for being a prisoner in one of their terrible camps.
I read once that this was sort of a hot potato among Japanese politicians. Some thought the country should acknowledge the fact they committed atrocities, and apologize for them, others seem to think these things should be swept under the carpet and stay there.