Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Wasted CLV said:
Its going well!!  I am loving my new job (working IT at a bank/insurance company).  Having a good time, goofing off, spreading the word of Murray/Gers  ;)
Yeah, I read that you're doing IT stuff (didn't you learn that profession fairly recently?). I did not know exactly what you were doing though.

I think there's a lot of preaching to be done though! There are way too many blasphemers around here.
Yes, I was inspired by some on this forum to dive into that field-- only in the last couple years have I done much with it.

Preaching every day!!  Sometimes, someone actually listens to me!!
Yax said:
Speaking of which, how did you like his newly released Made of Metal album? I think it's kinda "meh" to be honest. Many songs seem lacking. There are some good ideas in there but the songs aren't developed well enough and the production isn't very good...

Although, Hell Razor is an awesome track that could easily have been on Sin after Sin. Classic Halford vocals.

I also have that meh feeling, but you have to realize that I listened to only two tracks.

The following is what I more or less posted in the Halford survivor:

I listened to both the album opener and album closer and I don't find them that great.

Actually, this doesn't urge me to buy the album (at this point). Nor do I want to hear the whole thing via internet because I don't want to be spoiled yet. I'll probably get the album, but it could be a long while before that happens. Feels strange because Halford is one of my favourite artists.
I dreamt last night that I was on holiday in Australia and the Ashes squad was a man down so I was called up at the last minute at the MCG. Went into bat with Chanderpaul (:huh:), was doing really well - hit a 4 and a 6 plus a couple of singles - but the bat broke and I had to carry on with a plastic toy bat. One of the best dreams I've had in a while. :bigsmile:
Do you mind if I start a topic about Mac (help topic) in General Discussion?? And most important: Will you reply??  :D 
I will reply, but if it is necessary so much...I mean, usually tech support has just stayed in the 100 k thread.
In 100k it will be spoiled. I mean, the purpose of the thread will not be the provide of tech. support, which can be easily done here, but some gathered information about how OS X works. You remember one old topic where Zare and you provided some info about Mac?? Something like this, in one separate thread.
So, for the past two weeks, there was this really hot chick wandering about the museum offices where I work. The staff is a tad too big to keep up to date with everything all the time, so I kept wondering "who is she, where does she come from, where is she going?". I haven't managed to strike up a conversation till yesterday.
"Strike" is actually a pretty good word. Strike one was when I overheard a conversation between her someone else- and that other person explained to her what Ramadan is (note: This is the Museum for Islamic Art). Strike two came half an hour later. I was on my way down the hallway, passing by the copying machine.

She: Uh, do you know how this thing works?
Me: (eyeing a standard model copying machine. You know, the type that has a big round glowing green button saying "start" next to it) Is it turned on?
She: They got one upstairs but you need to enter a code or something. I don't have a code. Do you know if it's the same here?
Me: Let's see...
I press the big round glowing green button saying "start" next to it. The machine turns on and displays the main menu.
She: Oh.

With so little in her pretty head, I don't think it will be hard to score.