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I would talk about the strange eating habits of the Scandinavians, but as we in the UK eat black pudding (I love black pudding, by the way), I can barely comment.
Albie said:
I would talk about the strange eating habits of the Scandinavians, but as we in the UK eat black pudding (I love black pudding, by the way), I can barely comment.

Black pudding is known as blodpudding in Norway, and I've eaten it many times in my childhood. I used to love some syrup on top of it. Yum! What do you English have with it?
Eddies Wingman said:
Black pudding is known as blodpudding in Norway, and I've eaten it many times in my childhood. I used to love some syrup on top of it. Yum! What do you English have with it?

I think I've only ever had it with a fried breakfast, but I don't have that very often.
national acrobat said:
We once managed 9 (fully grown) people in a mini (driving on a private road so it was alright ;)) - 5 in the seats, 3 on the laps and 1 in the boot.

Did she look like this? (Mildly NSFW)

Eddies Wingman said:
What do you English have with it?
Like NA said, mainly with a fry up. Talking of black pudding, I was in a hotel in Glasgow a few years back and was having my breakfast when an American tourist asked my wife what that was - "Black Pudding" she said. "Oh, what's in it?", she inquired further. "You don't want to know!" The tourist face was quite a picture.
Eddies Wingman said:

Back in school, about ten years ago, some guy from the other class brought a can of that and opened it in the hallway. There was only one window at the far side of the hallway, and you can probably imagine why he did it and why everyone hated him for that. ;)
I must say I'm quite surprised to hear that something like canned lutefisk was available anywhere. Are you sure it was lutefisk? However, granted you're right, I can see how the canned variant could be really nasty.

But are you sure it wasn't some other kind of canned fish, like surströmming? That has a really pungent smell. It's the Swedish equivalent of rakfisk which I mentioned earlier - and it is readily available in canned form.
Boudin noir is awesome, hands off.

national acrobat said:
We once managed 9 (fully grown) people in a mini (driving on a private road so it was alright ;)) - 5 in the seats, 3 on the laps and 1 in the boot.

I'd like to see that  :D
Never made the connection. While I too, live in a small country, I keep forgetting that in some places like The Netherlands, everything's close.
Albie said:
I would talk about the strange eating habits of the Scandinavians, but as we in the UK eat black pudding (I love black pudding, by the way), I can barely comment.

How 'bout Spotted Dick?