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Mega said:

I'm done with alcohol. Takes way too much to get me drunk, and then I get really sick for 24 hours. Besides, it costs a shit-ton of money and tastes like crap, so why torture myself.

Left my phone number at some kiosk near my house, I may work there. If anything, it's worth a try.

Just curious how much is wayyy to much?

Have a praise SMX!
Mega said:
I'm done with alcohol. Takes way too much to get me drunk, and then I get really sick for 24 hours. Besides, it costs a shit-ton of money and tastes like crap, so why torture myself.

I will never, ever, ever do that again...

Usually lasts a week.
Mega said:
No man, really! The whole point of this is that I didn't even get drunk.
So you have no fondness for the taste of alcoholic drinks? Get yourself to some real ale festivals! There's more to drinking than getting drunk.
Beer definitely takes some sampling.  I used to try to drink all the American Light beers that my friends did and thought it was horrible.  Now, I'll try some micro-brews, some imports, nothing light.  Light just takes beer and makes it worthless.  If you are gonna drink it, just do it. 

But, I can understand your feeling, its not easy to like beer.  NOw, as to hard liquor, drinking most of it straight isn't so much fun (even tequila).  ...maybe especially tequila, unless you have some $50 (american dollars) tequila.  Mostly, its good to mix with something else.  Rum with coke.  Margaritas.  Sex on the beach.  Martinis... the list goes on.
Perun said:
I wouldn't see myself getting drunk on Labatt or Molson either.

Neither do I. Keith's is the beer I drink most. I rarely get drunk on it. Sleeman's, for a Canadian major brew, isn't too bad.
My fav to drink is Paulaner Hefe-weizen (sp?).  I'm not a Sam Adams guy, but I like some Boulevard (KCMO brew). 
Moosehead for me! If your at a bar and want to get drunk try a Rocky Mountain Bear Fucker it consists of 1/3 Whiskey 1/3 Tequila 1/3 151 Proof Rum (151 being a 70% alcohol).
Bahh fuck I just noticed a dead pixel on my laptop screen its off to the side and I know its no big deal but fuck its bugging me....

Np: Only you can rock me by U.F.O!