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Albie said:
There's one or two.

yeah, I wondered if it was 'Wi-Fi' specific, or something to do with your particular brand.

In other news, we have an iPad here at work that we are 'testing' out.  We set up a VPN for it, and are having some fun RDPing back to our desktops...that are 5 feet away.  ::)
Finally getting a burn with Media Player...  :blink:
I hope everything turns out well for you.

FINALLY got Doomcompy up and running. Fuck, apparently Vista has an install bug that if you have 2 or more SATA hdds at the time when you go to install, it just won't do it.
Same bug apparently exists in 7 too...I had to install Vista first, because I don't have this awesome 7 disc I was supposed to get ;)
haha!  See?!  I didn't get it out that afternoon, so here I am....  :blush:


Then you can have the fun of a reinstall all over again!
Dude, tell me about it.

Now, I'll say this (if you had Win7), Windows 7 seems to have drivers that work better than Vista.  Mostly.  I have still had to load some drivers, but most work better.

On a side note, I burned a CD with Media Player, but iTunes says it can't find a driver-- you still think the uninstall/reinstall?  I'll do that tonight, just to take it out of the equation.
Yeah. When you uninstall iTunes, follow the article I posted. It's important, otherwise you won't get all of the coding and it can fuck a new install.
Okay, I do have an office on my own now. However, the guys in the office next to mine are discussing so loudly that I have to turn my headphones to pHuckin' 11 to avoid hearing them  :censored:
LooseCannon said:
Yeah. When you uninstall iTunes, follow the article I posted. It's important, otherwise you won't get all of the coding and it can fuck a new install.

OK, cool and thanks!  I forwarded that article to a friend that was having some iTunes/Win7 issues.

national acrobat said:
Wasted, congrats on becoming a Mod; when did that happen?

Thanks, man!  I'm wielding a lot of power... I was 5 seconds late to my first ban, Per got to a porn-spammer before I could pull the trigger.

@EW, at least you have 11!
Well, with proper headphones you can go well above the pain threshold without disturbing anyone else  :D Nothing puzzles me more than people walking around with those tiny, tiny earplugs that produce crap to ok sound, but which at the same time will be heard by all their fellow  bus passengers. A good set of headphones doesn't cost that much ...
My son just picked up a set of good earbuds.  The sound, the bass, all very good.  They noise cancel really well; i can't hear his music, and he can't hear me shouting.  :)
My brand new sony headphones are already starting to break down: at a very spesific spot inside the jack, you can only hear one side.

I have REALLY bad luck with headphones.
Same here. I have earphones purely for use in the gym, yet they don't seem to last longer than a month or so with the left ear always breaking down. It happened again today (my 4th pair since the summer) and I'm very pissed off about it.
My son bought his from Radio Shack, and they offered a free replacement for 2 years for $15, so he took it.  The guy said they replace them whenever they break.