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Wasted CLV said:
Ah, well then practice makes perfect!

I had a friend as me what she should do her 'argumentative english lit' paper on.  I said 'universal health care' since every one likes to argue about it  :innocent:

:D At least my topic bears a bit of controversy in it.

LooseCannon said:
"Hi, my name is Perun, and I'm a metalholic"

And then they'll all say "oh is that why you keep wearing your Iron Maiden shirts?"
Talking of TV shows, we had a Doctor Who 2-parter conclude last weekend featuring the "Weeping Angels" and I have to say it was bloody brilliant. These flippin' angels are so creepy - I seriously would say they are the Doctor's best foe.
I just remembered how I actually did improvise a presentation from the scratch last semester. I had to talk ten to fifteen minutes about a guy I'd never heard of before. So I just copied the corresponding article from the Encyclopaedia Iranica (5 to 6 pages, mind you) and read it on the train ride less than an hour before the lecture. I didn't even remember the name and had to read it off the copy the first two or three times. But it went astonishingly well.
So, what Dr who are you talking about?
I've been thinking about wathcing for some time but I don't know WHERE TO START.
First you have to decide what you're going to do (and finish!) first. Star Trek or Dr Who?  :D

Be patient, you've got a full life ahead of you. All comes when it comes, the order is not life-threateningly important, especially not when you plan to see it all.
Well I don't think I wanna watch all of it.
I thought there was a new series, it aired here a couple of years ago.
An then I looked at the wikipedia page, and I see there are 30 seasons or something.
And about star trek, I'll get there. First I need to get out of the exam season.
IMO, the first 30 years of Dr. Who were kinda 'campy', but this new series takes on a more serious tone, while maintaining the integrity of who the Doctor is.

I am under the impression that each season, even tho they may be separated by years, maintains continuity with the previous Doctor's Who.  The most recent series is in its 4th or 5th season, I believe, and the the first 2 or 3 are available on netflix.
Wasted CLV said:
IMO, the first 30 years of Dr. Who were kinda 'campy',.....
It was indeed - but as yet, the best Doctor Who (in my opinion) was Jon Pertwee. He was the Doctor when I was a kid. Tom Baker (who was still bloody good) took over from him but I did not really watch much of it after he left.

Until Christopher Ecclestone took over. And I've been watching ever since.
He was. Before the first episode of that series was screened, he announced he was to quit. Did not want to be type-cast, he said.
Presentation went well, but I'm kind of bluesy for some reason. Probably the weather.
'Bluesy' as in 'down' or as in 'i wanna listen to some trumpet from New Orleans'?

I assume from the weather statement, you mean down. 

So, listen to some music!  :P

PS: good on the presentation!!
Today, at least for us, is good mood weather. Generally that can mean a good turn out in the polling booths for our general election. I hope so, I would hate to see another election with nearly half the electorate not bothering to vote.
Good luck on your election day!!

Its nice here too, sunny, green, and in the 60's (f).  According to the Mac dashboard, thats 16 C.

Anyway, lunchtime here (close enough) and I'm off to take my last A+ test... we shall see how this goes!!