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I just finished a 20-page (6,200 word) paper on the Ideology of the Islamic Revolution. What a relief.
OK, I'll try:

The fight against imperialism can only be won by Islam.

That's the essence of it, in ten words, distorted almost beyond recognition.
No, you're not. At best, you'd be an expert on the Islamic Revolution... it took me one and a half pages to describe the difference, but for you: The Islamic Revolution is/was less and more than the Iranian Revolution of 1978/79.

As for the accuracy of the statement, you could use it as a premise for the ideology of the Islamic Revolution. It's about as accurate as saying "social justice is achieved by liberating the people" is the meaning of Communism.
Not too much, I've mostly been occupied by that bloody paper for the last two weeks. I'd love to say that now I'm ready to party, but I have 3.5 pages of Persian to translate, two Persian texts to write, and then I have to start with my Bachelor's thesis... not to mention the new semester is going to start in two weeks.
I don't even know yet. The rough direction is Indo-Iranian relations, but inside that topic, it could be anything.
I wasn't even aware those relations were a going concern. But from my vantage point, the only foreign relations I see are telling America they're the "Great Satan" and promising to wipe out Israel.
They're not. I'm talking about Indo-Iranian relations somewhere between 300 and 1300 AD. I'd like to do something related to current affairs, but my prof likes old stuff, so I'll give her old stuff and keep the new stuff for my MA and PhD.

Besides, "Great Satan" US and "Little Satan" Israel is such a cliché... everybody's doing it.
Yeah, I feel like one too. Cheers on that, I'm currently stuck in a very difficult text to translate.  :S
I'm going to a movie with my cousin and a friend of her's. So I bought tickets online yesterday, and I told her so. Somehow she understood that I didn't buy tickets and told her mom to buy 3 more. So now we're stuck with 3 tickets and it's awkward. Damn.
Hey Perun!

I was browsing Wikipedia, reading about Frank Zappa albums, searching for tidbits I hadn't heard before, and I found one. Regarding Zappa's 1979 rock opera Joe's Garage, the plot of which is based on "what if music were made illegal?", Zappa wrote in his liner notes that it was inspired by the 1979 Iranian Revolution, in which public music performances were indeed banned ... wait, what?

They banned live music? For real??

How exactly did that work out, anyway?
Yes, they did. In fact, they tried to ban any form of public entertainment, including recorded music, dance, cinema etc. The reasons were that they were unislamic and western, hence unsuitable for the Iranian people. You don't sing about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, the only thing you're supposed to sing is the Qur'an. In the post-revolution years, the cities were controlled by revolutionary guards, who roamed free and arrested anyone for unislamic behaviour, raided houses etc. So these laws were enforced by terror squads. They still exist, but they are significantly more easy-going than they were thirty years ago.

However, Iranians love to party and they started to do so even harder when they were told not to. The government eventually saw the propaganda value of these media during the war with Iraq, and so they gradually allowed music and movies, under the condition that they are home-made and, of course, government approved. There are also reports of semi-legal underground metal gigs, even though metal is strictly against the law. But pop music et al is fine, as long as it's Iranian. Every once in a while, a western CD hits the Iranian market, though. I recall there was a censored release of Queen's Greatest Hits a few years back, minus all the love songs (no clue how that's supposed to work).