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What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Manchester United?

Manchester United can still play Giggs.
Wasted CLV said:
@ Albie:  did you ever A+ or Net+ certify?
No. All the qualifications or courses I have ever got or done was through the Open University. If I had such certifications I would be off doing a job that paid more than what I currently get. :D
Ha!  well, i'm sitting for the first of 2 A+ certs tomorrow... and freaking out a little.  We shall see how that goes.
Thanks!!  some of the info i had kinda known... some of it, you guys had taught me.  I just finished an 8 week course and have spent the last 3-4 days doing almost nothing but taking practice tests and reading up on info I don't know.  Sheesh, really-- you think that I need to memorize the L1 Cache on a pentium pro, and the number of wires in a Narrow SCSI? 

but, I think that I can hit the 'magic number' on the exam.  I'll post either way, and drink beer after, either way!
Man, my father's car is great. Too bad is has a huge blindspot and it's really hard to park in my house.
Wasted CLV said:
Thanks!!  some of the info i had kinda known... some of it, you guys had taught me.  I just finished an 8 week course and have spent the last 3-4 days doing almost nothing but taking practice tests and reading up on info I don't know.   Sheesh, really-- you think that I need to memorize the L1 Cache on a pentium pro, and the number of wires in a Narrow SCSI? 

but, I think that I can hit the 'magic number' on the exam.  I'll post either way, and drink beer after, either way!

Well I like to think we inspired you to get out there and take the test! I'm sure you cna do it.

And wow, really, a Pentium Pro? They still exist?
Oh, for sure-- you guys have been very encouraging (and great at answering my questions) and inspiriing at the same time.

lots of conflicting info about the exam (since CompTIA keeps their cards close to their chest)... but yeah, they want you to know what slot or socket an old pentium or xeon chip fit into... sometimes if its L1 or L2 cache and the size...  I think i'll have it all piled in for the exam. 
Where are you planning to drive? In your city, in whole Israel? Beyond Israel?

This has to do with an earlier remark of mine when I said that I'm not sure if I'd like to drive in your country.
Fast movement in a small area isn't exactly giving me a feeling of freedom.

But perhaps you see this as something entirely different.
Perun said:
Uh, Foro, Israel isn't that much smaller than the Netherlands...

According to Wikipedia:

Netherlands: 37,354
Israel: 22,072 (pre-1967 area, so not including Golan, Gaza or the West Bank).

Mega - are there any restrictions on driving for Israeli citizens within the borders of Israel proper? Checkpoints and such? Or is that only when going in and out of the West Bank?
Nope. Actually, I think that you can pretty much go from north to south in about 6 hours I think. Maybe less if you're the average israely driver.

Foro, we have big cities and long highways, it's not all Kibutz XDD
Come on down.  We need a NA Maidenfans tour.  We'll hit cornfedhick out west, Onhell in the desert, SMX in the mountains, me in the ugly plains, and Deano in DC... And anyone else that I have missed at the moment-- OH, Riggs in NJ!  Maybe we can catch a NHL game in each area.


Is Natalie still around New England?

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