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Mega said:
I'm sorry to be "off-topic" here, but I just found out that I passed my driving test!
It was the second one, and I nailed it. I'll get the license in Sunday.


Remember, there's a time to live, and a time to die, there's a time to meet the maker - and we don't want that to happen too soon, will we? So drive safe.

Regards, Captain Obvious.
I'd keep that in mind!

But god damn, there are some major douches in Israel when it comes to driving. A couple of days ago an entire family got killed by an idiot that survived the crash.
There are giant douches everywhere that drive.  It's unfortunate, but that seems to happen often, where someone drives drunk and its whomever they hit that gets the most injury.
So it shall be written, so it shall be done.

Thus concluding 777.

Also congrats Mega, I passed mine about 10 days ago and I must say that it is pretty awesome being able to drive all alone and everything. My Maiden CD's have manged to sneak into the car now and are annoying everyone except me a suitable amount :P
You don't have a certain amount of time where an adult have to seat next to you?
Here it's three months.

And foro, what does that mean? Israel isn't a desert you know.
England, by plane :P

I had to apply for a provisional license when I turned 17 which allows me to drive in cars with someone who's been passed for 3 years and then I took my driving test and got my full license. The driving test is pretty tough though.
I was just browsing Youtube and came across the old Star Wars Episode I trailer. The first comment underneath said "I was 7 or 8 when I first saw that trailer", and I was thinking to myself, "kids these days"... then I did the maths and realized that kid is 20 now.

And now I'm depressed.
Wasted CLV said:
There are giant douches everywhere that drive.  It's unfortunate, but that seems to happen often, where someone drives drunk and its whomever they hit that gets the most injury.

As my old man used to say, "Assume everyone else on the road is a moron."

And as my driving instructor used to say, "Fancy a swift pint?"  :D
Perun said:
I was just browsing Youtube and came across the old Star Wars Episode I trailer. The first comment underneath said "I was 7 or 8 when I first saw that trailer", and I was thinking to myself, "kids these days"... then I did the maths and realized that kid is 20 now.

And now I'm depressed.
And I was a teenager when Episode IV came out, but back then it was called simply "Star Wars".

But I won't be depressed. I can do bugger all about my age.
And congrats to Mega for passing your driving test.
national acrobat said:
As my old man used to say, "Assume everyone else on the road is a moron."

Heed the wisdom of Nush's old man. I've been driving for 10 years now, I've been involved in a couple of serious almost-accidents, and both times because someone else found out they wanted to overtake another car in the middle of a curve. And in Norway, roads are quite curvy and there's plenty of forest to obscure your view.

No one is a perfect driver, everyone does mistakes from time to another. However, the really big mistakes, those who lead to serious accidents, often happen because someone is a moron. Hubris behind the wheel has caused many deaths.
Just saw I group on facebook called "1 MILLION STRONG 4 IRON MAIDEN to open the 2012 London Olympic Games"  :lol:. How slim do you think the chances of that happening are.