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Albie said:
Best cheese in the world - Extra mature Cheddar.

Seriously, name one - just one - better?

Camembert, Comté, Cantal, Rocamadour, Brie, Époisses, Mimolette, Reblochon, St-Nectaire, Morbier, Mont d'Or, Brillat-Savarin.
I'm with Foro on this one. I don't like cheese. With some exceptions.

But talking about food, I've been feeding on Spaghetti alla Studento all week. If there's one thing I'm absolutely sick of, it's pasta with tomato sauce.
I don't know if there are any aviation enthusiasts here (apart from Eddie's Wingman), but i'll share the news.
Yesterday, prototype Russian 5th generation fighter Sukhoi T-50 (project PAK-FA) made it's maiden flight @ KNAAPO grounds.

Will-I-Am said:
Camembert, Comté, Cantal, Rocamadour, Brie, Époisses, Mimolette, Reblochon, St-Nectaire, Morbier, Mont d'Or, Brillat-Savarin.
I said better. :D
Albie said:
I said better. :D

Camembert, Comté, Brie, Époisses, St-Nectaire, Mont d'Or, Brillat-Savarin.

All but Époisses with a mainstream smell did not taking into consideration the precious cheeses with disgusting smell -the gem of the land
Zare said:
I don't know if there are any aviation enthusiasts here (apart from Eddie's Wingman), but i'll share the news.
Yesterday, prototype Russian 5th generation fighter Sukhoi T-50 (project PAK-FA) made it's maiden flight @ KNAAPO grounds.

Saw that on the news.

Looks good, but not sure if I like that...
Will-I-Am said:
Camembert, Comté, Brie, Époisses, St-Nectaire, Mont d'Or, Brillat-Savarin.

All but Époisses with a mainstream smell did not taking into consideration the precious cheeses with disgusting smell -the gem of the land
Still not better. :P

Oh the French Cheese v English Cheese debate. I do side with the English cheese, I'm afraid. I just love strong Cheddar that is crystallised and really tangy with a glass of French Red. Or Stilton with a small glass of Port. No5, you should try it.
LooseCannon said:
That looks pretty sexy. Export or internal model?

The project is partly funded by India. HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.) will use technology and parts of this plane to make their domestic "FPGA", which should be similar to T-50, but smaller and two-seater. It will also be capable of using Brahmos ASM, another domestic Indian modification based on Russian tech (Yakhont ASM). The FPGA plane should first complement and then replace their current heavy multirole fighters, Sukhoi Su-30MKI.

Every Russian plane (and every Soviet, for that matter) has an export version. This one also. All of their internal systems and armament traditionally have export versions / analogs, therefore export T-50 will have that kind of stuff in it.

However, apart from India, i don't see any other possible user...that's if something big doesn't happen in world politics (shifts of alliances and that sort of stuff). Traditional NATO members who want to deploy 5th generation in their AF's are already participating in JSF project, Japan is long term ally of USA in terms of military, China has their own project. All others either don't need or don't have $ for 5th generation in their airforces.

However, Russians learned from America's mistake on F-22. Too much cost because most of avionics for Raptor were developed and built for Raptor only, and Raptor isn't "exportable". PAK-FA supplementary tech will be available without PAK-FA, and some of it is available today (Irbis radar, EW suite, etc...) for export.

Russia does spent a lot more for military today if we compare it with '90s, but they're still very very careful. They go for expensive projects only if they'll come to 0 balance, meaning that exports in the long run will balance development and deployment costs.

MisterAJ said:
Saw that on the news.

Looks good, but not sure if I like that...

I won't go into why don't you like that, because i don't want to start a political argument.

However, having 5th generation tech available on the market outside of USA's sphere of influence can cause USA congress to strip down some of export bans they've placed upon Lockheed & Martin regarding F-22 exports.

The more money L&M gets outside of USA for various F-22 gimmicks or whole planes, the lower the cost for USA, hence more of them in the service.
F-22 has already been cancelled. It is a superior fighter, so I doubt that Congress will allow it to be sold outside of the country. That's what the JSF is for.
It's good to know mankind is still developing the means to destroy itself.
It's good to know mankind is still developing the means to destroy itself.

Apart from my fascination with technology and airplanes, i also think that both of 'em could've spent those billions on poor people.
But since rich don't like poor, they could have spent it on space research, at least...

Looks to me that USA cuts down NASA funding whenever necessary, but funds military instead. Situation seems better in Russia, but that's only superficial...they are more active in space stuff because they've got proven technology of the 70s they still rely on. But space funding is also poor.

Space ain't profitable  :(
Albie said:
Still not better. :P

Oh the French Cheese v English Cheese debate. I do side with the English cheese, I'm afraid. I just love strong Cheddar that is crystallised and really tangy with a glass of French Red. Or Stilton with a small glass of Port. No5, you should try it.

Ok I will  :)

I have to admit that Cheddar is a very famous cheese, but too mainstream taste... Maybe that's why it succeed so much.
Is the same issue with the Bordeaux wine vs Bourgogne : The entire world drinks Bordeaux, but yet Bourgogne is thousand miles away.
Will-I-Am said:
I have to admit that Cheddar is a very famous cheese, but too mainstream taste...
Believe me, you can get some very, very mediocre Cheddar. But if you do get a good quality mature Cheddar, you just can't beat it.