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I can't agree there. The best thing to ever have the tag "Star Trek" on it was First Contact. And we all know how much that is saying.
I have a hard time.  First Contact is undoubtedly the finest performance by a Star Trek actor ever (Patrick Stewart), but II and VI are amazing.
Forostar said:
Once I heard that many people say the uneven ones are the best.

That certainly goes for 5 and this last one (11).

Actually, it's the other way around. The even ones are good, the uneven ones aren't. And you're the first person I ever met who said Star Trek V was good...

Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek VII: Generations
Star Trek VIII: First Contact
Star Trek IX: Insurrection
Star Trek X: Nemesis
Star Trek

They stopped counting after Star Trek VI though, so the official names are simply Star Trek: Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection and Star Trek: Nemesis respectively.
1 and 5 are utter crap.  3 and 9 are barely tolerable.  7 is alright.  4 is fun.  2 and 6 and 8 and 11 are all amazing.
Generations was OK for what it was. I only saw Insurrection once, but seem to remember thinking it wasn't as bad as everyone made it to be.

Same thoughts for Nemesis, btw.
I'll be watching both Nemesis and Insurrection shortly.  Generations isn't bad.  But it was directed terribly, and there are some shitty plotholes.  And it seems like half the actors cashed it in.  And they didn't have any actual props so they just turned half the lights on the Enterprise off.
Well, officially I have been laid off from the second bike shop in 5 years (these places are not recession proof).  After Honda left the mix, I pretty much knew it would be happening.  The option is there to come back in the spring when busy again-- but I think it's time for wasted to try something new. 
Blah :

Star Trek VII: Generations
Star Trek

It's ok, up to the challenge star trek movie :

Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek IX: Insurrection

Epic :

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek VIII: First Contact
Star Trek X: Nemesis
If you think I or V is up to the challenge, or even OK...I can't watch V.  Literally I turn it off every time.
Like every year, it's Christmas, and like every year people ask me for material wishes... and like every year, I don't have any.
Any wishes. There's not really any stuff I want... I already have so much stuff.
Yeah, same with my mom.  "Just give me money." "It's so impersonal!"  "Yeah but I can put it in the car or into my belly."
If I had it my way, people don't need to give me anything at all for Christmas... I just like the calm days, time spent with my family and the rest. There's a sort of warmth and comfort only to be experienced at Christmas, and that's all I want... that and my family's traditional Christmas dish, which is always worth a year's wait.
New Perunology. Only took me two weeks to write...  -_-
I'm to the point that it is difficult to find 'stuff' to give.  My kids have too much junk, so I'm trying to find items that have a little more meaning.  honestly, i love to give books. 