Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'll put it in spoiler tags in case somebody able to play want to figure it out that way:

It's the first few bars of Metallica's The Call of Ktulu
I am now officially a terrible person.

-I am a metalhead, yet I love singer/songwriter folk.
-I love Amon Amarth, but I hate In Flames.
-I am a German student, yet I am not leftist.
-I think economic sciences are fascinating, yet I fell asleep in a corresponding lecture yesterday.
-I am politically Green, yet I support transgenic plants.
-I am neither pro-Israeli nor pro-Palestinian.
-I embrace Islamic culture, yet I think veiling women is fascist.
-I am pro-animal rights, yet anti-vegetarian.
-I love my home city, yet I think patriotism is retarded.
-I am a firm supporter of secularism, yet I think the state should support the church.
-I hate (almost) all German dialects, yet I think they should all be preserved.
-I think all people in the world should be free to govern themselves, yet I think they are all too stupid to do so.

And so on.
Perun said:
I am now officially a terrible person.

-I am a metalhead, yet I love singer/songwriter folk.
-I love Amon Amarth, but I hate In Flames.
-I am a German student, yet I am not leftist.
-I think economic sciences are fascinating, yet I fell asleep in a corresponding lecture yesterday.
-I am politically Green, yet I support transgenic plants.
-I am neither pro-Israeli nor pro-Palestinian.
-I embrace Islamic culture, yet I think veiling women is fascist.
-I am pro-animal rights, yet anti-vegetarian.
-I love my home city, yet I think patriotism is retarded.
-I am a firm supporter of secularism, yet I think the state should support the church.
-I hate (almost) all German dialects, yet I think they should all be preserved.
-I think all people in the world should be free to govern themselves, yet I think they are all too stupid to do so.

And so on.

One of the most logical posts I've ever read, really
I came up with it this way: I thought about what tends to piss people off about me. Since I seem to be a fairly likable person in real life (not much like the dick I am on this board), and I do kind of let people know which directions I tend to go in the mentioned areas, they think I'm that comfortable sort of guy whom you just have conversations for the sake of mutual agreement or reinforcement on your view.

E.g.: "Oi, you're an eco-dude? That's cool! Nuclear Power sucks!" "Sure does." "They should get rid of fossil fuels, mostly oil." "Indeed." "And genetic engineering is fascism!" "No, it's the future of our planet." "Fuck you."

Or: "I hate this government!" "Yeah, their handling of domestic affairs violates our basic rights." "And the way our country is run by corporations is terrible." "Well, yeah, but I think we should use case-to-case judgment." "Maybe, but it would all be better if the Leftists took over." "Wall yourself back in, Commie." "uh..."
I was saying that like 4000 posts ago!  Yax, you me an' Wasted are the Maidenfans Club of Stargate Fans.

Anyway.  Per, what the hell is a transgenic plant?
You are correct, outstanding series.  Check out Continuum, a pretty ok SG-1 movie.  If you haven't yet, check out SG-A.  Atlantis is, if possible, even better.
It's interesting.  Darker than either one.  Robert Carlyle is fantastic, of course.  They are really examining some fun elements.  The most recent episode was my favourite to date, an extremely sci-fi ep. but very well done.

Did you get any Sons of Anarchy yet?
No, haven't watched that yet, either.  I'll chase that down and watch them both.  I did, however, pick up the new Star Trek tonite.  I sold my bike today, and had $71 left after paying it off-- so I bought a pizza and the movie with some of it!  Guess what I'm gonna be doing tonite....