Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

The worst part about watching a YouTube video is accidentally reading the comments at the bottom.
Hey, anyone here heard the new Alice In Chains single?  new album is supposed to be out Sept 29 (here in the States), but the single sounded great (to me)!  it's called 'Check My Brain'.  I'm curious if there are any AIC fans out there (I know that SMX said he was a fan), do you like the new singer?  I do; I think he sounds great and it reminds me of older AIC stuff.

Now to something completely different.

Gentleman, I give to you... the pussy snorkel:

Perun said:
BTW, I'm heading to the Viking Bar tonight.

I've just got home from holiday in the States - went to Vegas, a road trip to L.A., then up the coast to San Francisco for my brother's wedding. What a great country! unless you want a (good) curry; strange the things you crave.

While I was away my 5 year old cousin from Austria stayed in my bedroom at home - apparantly he's now a Maiden convert from my posters and wants to join the fanclub.  :ok:
national acrobat said:

You know the mead from the Viking bar. Four of them would bring a berserker down. And they did.  :innocent: :S

I've just got home from holiday in the States - went to Vegas, a road trip to L.A., then up the coast to San Francisco for my brother's wedding. What a great country! unless you want a (good) curry; strange the things you crave.

Sounds great! How much money did you lose in Vegas? :D
Perun said:
Sounds great! How much money did you lose in Vegas? :D

Let's put it this way: one night/day/morning/evening I got really pissed, got back to the hotel/casino and played roulette. I don't know how much I lost but I woke up the next day with one dollar in my wallet. I haven't dared look at my bank statement yet; the whole trip was ridiculously expensive.
Tonite, we drink in hell!!  or close to it...

Actually, my hometown is having a big fest this weekend.  interestingly (or not), it is the town that the Mormons made semi-(in)famous...Nauvoo.  The thing is, the town is also known, locally, for its wine and blue cheese.  so, we shall drink beer tonite to the memory of fallen prophets and moldy cheese!
Tonight I sup some wine for tomorrow I celebrate my nephews 21st - with a cocktail party.

You know, he's only gone and advertised the party on Facebook. :D