Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

LooseCannon said:
Ford was on a hive ship that blew.

That was sort of implied, but Sheppard had lingering concerns that he wasn't actually on the ship when it blew.  Either the end of that epi, or in one of the following ones, he speculated that Ford was still out there running around.  I had kinda thought that he had died, but in the dream sequence, when Sheppard was trapped in the destroyed building Michael had booby-trapped, it was clear that there is some doubt.
So am I.  Apparently they will need some more ZPMs...I wonder where they are gonna get one.  Should be interesting!
Perun said:
Can't somebody give me a million bucks so I can escape from this world for half a year?
Yeah, I think I have some change around here somewhere.

Erm, wait, all I can rustle up is a fiver. Sorry. :D
Dude, you'd only really need like 20k to get out of the world for half a year.  One plane ticket to Ulan Bator and cash to live on.  Problem solved.
Hey, dude, I'm serious!  Get your bus/boat/train fare, and just bum couches off Maidenfans.  I know you could bounce across the USA that way...hell, I'd feed you if you stop in the Midwest.
You can get three months in the USA, and three months in Canada.  Then you're good.

I dunno, though.  I mean, if you go to Mongoria, you get to fly into the country at the Genghis Khan International Airport.  How badass is that?  If the real Genghis Khan had an international airport, all our chitty warrs would have been knocked down.
LooseCannon said:
Dude, you'd only really need like 20k to get out of the world for half a year.  One plane ticket to Ulan Bator and cash to live on.  Problem solved.
You may only need that much, but a round the world trip on 1m bucks would be something else. I'd do it for half a million.

And right now, I could really do with getting away. :(
Funny, it must be the Long Dark Tea Time Of Summer... I was thinking the same thing.  Time to pack some clothes and take off on my bike for a 3-dayer.
Albie said:
You may only need that much, but a round the world trip on 1m bucks would be something else. I'd do it for half a million.

And right now, I could really do with getting away. :(

Whyfor, mate?  Bad things happening?
Only a bit of a cock-up at work that I would rather see out on the other side of the world. What happened was some updates I had to apply to our system over last weekend has caused one of our programs to fail - and no bugger knows how to fix or, indeed, where the problem lies. Or even if it was the update in the first place. And rolling back these updates is not that that easy.
Quetzalcoatlus said:
How can we do this Mister ??  :blink: I mean printing the screen...

You basically answered your own question there... there's a "print screen" button at the top right corner of your keyboard.
Quetzalcoatlus said:
I see! I can make it appear in a word document but not in a post directly -Apparently I have to upload it to do so...

I'm not quite sure what you mean there. If you press the "print screen" button, you have a screen shot of your desktop in your clipboard, just like any other picture you copied from.