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When you say gateway, do you mean a PC from gateway? Or a PC that will act as a gateway?
Oh, yeah, a Gateway brand laptop.  it had crashed, I installed Ubuntu, but I needed Windows for a Fuel Injection Map program, so I put Ubuntu on my desky, and XP on the lappy.
Wasted CLV said:
but I needed Windows for a Fuel Injection Map program....
I have one program that I use regularly that will not run under Ubuntu - the file transfer utility for my PVR. What is so ironic is that the PVR has a Unix based OS.

Try as we might, we just can't get shot of Microsoft.
Unfortunatly, that is true.  I keep waiting for a Mac based program for it, but nothing yet. Microsoft owns our souls...
Getting back to updates, seriously - how many updates do you get on Ubuntu? Quite a few, one or two a week perhaps? How many require a reboot? Very, very few.
A weird twist of fate now forces me to sit at home on a Saturday night and write an essay about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Perun said:
A weird twist of fate now forces me to sit at home on a Saturday night and write an essay about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Which part is forced?

Are you forced to stay at home? Can you not go out and write at the local coffeeshop?

Are you forced to do this on a Saturday? Don't worry, it's already Sunday somewhere.

Are you forced to work on that topic, and unable to write about the invention of the steam engine?

Are you forced to write an essay, instead of filming your own remake of A Few Good Men? Or are you just ashamed of your terrible Jack Nicholson impression? :P
I love buying things online.  I just got a new game (Europa Universalis: Rome - Gold Edition), and I got two Out Campaign "A" pins for me an' the Duke.