Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

When I was young I used to pray for a bike, then I realized that God doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
I am the surprise that comes in your cereal!
I...am Darkwing Duck!
No mate, Rome was founded in 753. There's a German rhyme to that: Sieben-fünf-drei (seven-five-three) schlüpft Rom aus dem Ei (Rome hatches).
Aaaahhh... damn...

I was hoping to be one of the page turners...

Oh, well....

Page 800 can't be THAT far away, now can it..? :bigsmile:
Quetzalcoatlus said:
by the way where is the quick reply ?  :huh:
You need to set it up in your profile settings.

Profile > Look and Layout Preferences > Use quick reply on topic display

And it will be at the bottom of the page. :D
Yea it's really fun, we took out/modified some of the rules to make it a little more like the original. The way the territories are set up make it hard for anyone to gain the upper hand easily (Unlike normal risk with Australia). The territory and special cards can through unexpected surprises that can really fuck you over, and I love they way the seaports are set up. It took us about 5 hours to go through the game but it only felt like 2.
Australia's not an easy Risk start, unless you're able to grab a big chunk of Asia fast. If you're slow out of the gate, it's easy for other players to box you in. Even then, Asia isn't easy to grab or hold.

The easiest Risk start is South America. You still have to grab a second continent fast, but at least you have two ways to go.