Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Holy shit.

Not a lot of people know that...
William Shatner played Alexander the Great.

And if that isn't disturbing enough, here are my two recent finds on Enyclopaedia Metallum:

-A band from Bosnia-Herzegovina named Black SS Vomit
-A demo by a Nicaraguan grindcore band named 1 millon de canibales devorando un feto. Too bad I don't speak Spanish. ;)
Why does no one ever change their post title like this?

Does that Spanish name mean what I think it means? "One million cannibals devour one fetus"?
Because it's confusing when you read the 'recent posts' overview.

As I said, I don't speak Spanish. :P
Adrian Smith's Rolex asks him what the time is.

You should all start putting Adrian Smith statements as post titles.
And it also does not work with the Quick Reply option!

I have nothing to say. Sorry.
slide  :)
There I was, completely wasted, out of work and down
All inside it's so frustrating, as I drift from town to town
Feels as though nobody cares if I live or die
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

So much for the golden future, I can't even start
I've had every promise broken, there's anger in my heart
You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue
If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing to!

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law