Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Wasted CLV said:
if the Virtualbox worked 100%, you could get rid of windows completely, and 100% of the HD would be used by Ubuntu, instead of partitioning off part of it for XP, right?
Wasted's signature reads "I wish I was wasted". Indeed, I do. Where's the booze when you really need it?
magic of code?

In other news, my buddy's girlfriend (my ex-sister in law) is gonna be racing motocross this weekend- I will be there to watch that!!
posting for the hell of it... i'm off to wiki to study about nobel prize nominees that were born in Europe, but lived in the usa....
What goes black, white, blue?

Michael Jackson


Too soon..? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

What was the last ting his doctor said before he promptly left the country..?

Take two of these and call me in the morning...
LooseCannon said:
Bwahahaha.  Hey Albie, did you see the two new episodes at thewebsiteisdown.com?
No, but I'm going to check them out. That first one was superb. :D
Just watched the two. The second one was the best.....

"If you are going to eat your hard drive like a sandwich, how far do you have to open your mouth?"
I just saw the best live performance that I'll see all year!  It was 'School House Live', staring: Some kid playing Tom, Wasted's kid's friend playing George, Wasted's kid playing Dori, and a few other kids that I don't know. 

It was an 11 song set, and my oldest daughter got to sing lead on 3 songs:  "A Noun Is A Person, Place or Thing", "The Preamble", and "Elbow Room"--it was good fun, and I found out that she has a pretty good voice (IMHO).  I am hoping to leave work an hour early tomorrow to see the second showing. 
'Wasted, so what!'

That is exactly what I thought on Friday night, and even yesterday, when I was lying in my bed all day with a sick stomach! You only live once.