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Those are the best plans, my friend.

For instance, my next vacation in July, I have to keep the Duke from running out of a church.  That'll be no fun.
A friend of mine just got back from a motorcycle trip, and the only agenda was to get to CA and back.. by whichever roads he found.  12 days later, he had covered 6991 miles and 16 states. 

It's always nice to have no plans and just relax.

@ SMX, I kind of know what you mean-- I have a few more holidays, but work Monday, wed-sat. 
Holidays can't come too soon for me - and I get 5 weeks off a year. 5 weeks, as well as the usual public holidays, and it's still not enough.
Funnily enough, we get 7 public holidays - but that is not as much mainland Europe. The UK lags behind in that respect.
No, I actually forgot that the new season had started.  You had said that and I looked on USA's site, but I haven't watched it yet.  Prob catch up on it this weekend.
I just got to have a political discussion with an old hick farmer, who, for some reason, still thought that there was a West and East Germany. 
Wasted CLV said:
I just got to have a political discussion with an old hick farmer, who, for some reason, still thought that there was a West and East Germany. 

Rofl!  I'm guessing he didn't like them that there darkie up in the White House.
Well, that is how it all started... he was bitching about Obama, and we said he was so much better than Bush, and he said we were blind puppies.  I said I like the fact that other countries might actually like us... he said 'name one'-- I told him that Germany seemed to like Obama, and he told me 'Well... West Germany mite'  -- I said that there was only one Germany now..
Dude, you would love it!  He was going on about how this was a 'democrat' town, so we don't know any better.  You would have some fun....
Meh.  It isn't great, but there are some funny people around as well.  But, mostly, South East Iowa is one of the few 'red' parts of a 'blue' state. 

So, I just drink my German beer, ride my Japanese motorcycle, while listening to heavy metal music. 