Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I am never bored. Never have been, never will be, seriously. I rather say I have an everlasting lack of time in my life. Too many interesting things to listen, to see and to do.

@Per, if you're constantly bored, see some of those films I sent you a year ago (or longer?)
I am sure you will like some of them. :)
I have reached the point in my life where my kids are old enough that they don't require my full attention, and they are around only half the time.  I'm not in school at the time, and my 'household' projects are pretty much under control for the moment..and all the bikes in my garage either run, or won't without major effort (that I can't give them).  so...free time for wasted!!!!!
Perun said:
Today, I learned everything about the Ottoman Empire, various gems and the city of Esfahan.

Esfahan for quite a while was a virtual city...
Where Isfahan supposed to be, there were two cities (I don't remember their names)
and Isfahan, was something like the name of the region between them.
So, if someone was asking "where is Isfahan ?" this was a sign that he was a stranger,
as those who knew the then things, never mentioned Isfahan as if it was a city

....Quite a lot after the last crusade, these two cities got united under the name of Isfahan
MisterAJ said:
Good on you, mate...

Now you just have to find something to do... ;)

Well, i have found this new addicition:  playing xbox online.  I usually come home at night, fire up the grill, clean up around the house a little, eat while watching some shows, then play....  when this rain finally stops, I'll start riding my bike again--that's even more fun!
So....lets say that Wasted has an old desktop with a very slow processor, but an 80g hard drive.  Along with that, Wasted has inherited a crashed dell with a faster processor and a 18g HD.... do you think i could rob the 80g and put it in the faster desktop?
Wasted CLV said:
So....lets say that Wasted has an old desktop with a very slow processor, but an 80g hard drive.  Along with that, Wasted has inherited a crashed dell with a faster processor and a 18g HD.... do you think i could rob the 80g and put it in the faster desktop?

What is Banana-pies...

(That is my final answer...)
Boredom is totally under-rated. Sometimes you need those hours of boredom to allow the passages of time to slow down. After all, if time passed you by so quickly, the next thing you know you'll wake up dead in a plywood box, six feet from the rest of your life. :D
Albie said:
After all, if time passed you by so quickly, the next thing you know you'll wake up dead in a plywood box, six feet from the rest of your life. :D

Quote of the year!  :D
Woo hoo!!  SMX, hope you have good fun with that!

@Albie, you are correct!  I like it when life slows down a little.

@LC:  nice hat.
LooseCannon said:

No. All I'm going to do is relax. I need it, badly.

See, I work Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri-Sat. So I never get 2 days in a row off, like a normal weekend. And I only get 3 holidays a year (Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years Day). Plus, my job is physical work - not back-breaking hard, but it still wears me out.

So when you do hard, physical work and almost never get consecutive days off, it slowly breaks you down. For the last 5 days, I've had a cold I can't shake because there's no time for my body to rest. A year ago, I'd be over it in 3 days tops ... but my body no longer has the energy to heal itself.

So my "plan" is to write a lot of music, and hopefully do some recording. I do have some jam sessions planned with friends, but that's about it.