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Wasted CLV said:
after a frustrating weekend of 24.6k dial-up, I am happy to be back in the land of High Speed!!
Not just dial-up, but 24.6k dial-up? Flammin' 'eck! That's not even a quick dial-up.
Ah, it's cool.  I'm more worried about my dad.  My granddad was dying, his body was dying, they were cutting bits of him off and morphine couldn't keep the pain in check anymore.  So they took him off dialysis.
Albie said:
Not just dial-up, but 24.6k dial-up? Flammin' 'eck! That's not even a quick dial-up.

yes, horribly slow.

@LC, sorry to hear that, both about your Grandfather, for your dad, and that you didn't get any sleep.  Good luck over the next few days, hope they go as well as they can.
My sympathies, Loosey...

Nevertheless, I need announce that I am about to leave for the gig.

They say that life's a carousel
Spin it fast you've got to ride it well
The world is full of kings and queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell!

And they tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell!
Per, have a rock star time there!!!  See if you can catch a droplett of sweat off the horns on Dio's head!! :D
Sorry to hear that LC. I went through this last year with my Nan. Even though she was very ill and we knew she was dying, it still did not stop the sadness and crying when it happened. And she was just two months away from turning 90.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather, LC. Hang in there.

Tip for surviving 4 AM:
At 3:59 AM every day, set your clock ahead one hour. Just skip 4 AM. Plus, you'll get to Xmas a week before the rest of us!
sry to hear aswell

Looks like I'm going to be seeing Heaven and Hell in august! And looks like Mr.Balsillie (ceo of RIM) shops at my grocery store, Showed him where the peppers were. :P
I was tempted to ask him about the hearings today but he looked like he was in a rush, apparently he is in there a few times a month so I'll try to get the inside scoop.