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Well, hey, you can run a world with that!

It is supposed to be summer here, but instead, it's 60ish and raining... yuck.
Yeah.  Well, my home city is pimped here.  I have stone, marble, copper, and cows in reach, plus it has 5 coastal squares for the cash money money.  And it's on a river, so when I get the Dutch unique building (dyke) it adds around 10 production/turn before modifiers.
I should elaborate a bit about the way I play video games ... I cheat and I'm proud of it.

What I mean is: I believe games are there to be enjoyed. I know there's fun to be had in a challenge, but sometimes I'm just not into that. So I have no shame about playing on the lowest difficulty level, or using cheat codes, or restarting etc... I'm looking for fun out of a game, not frustration. And if I have to play like a punk to get my fun, so be it. :bigsmile:
Civ IV is a game that usually is more fun when you're playing on easier difficulty levels.  Let's face it, it's more fun to reach those nukes* and tanks than be stuck fighting enemy jet fighters with zeppelins.  Unless, of course, you really fancy a challenge, win, and then have to imagine how a zeppelin would ever hit a jet fighter with a bomb.  Or the infamous spearmen beating a tank.  Ah, I have great memories of many sleepless nights playing that game, but I haven't touched it in years now.

*Speaking of nukes, nukes are damn fun in Civ.  If you have nuclear supremacy, everyone hates you but won't dare attack you, and you can do pretty much anything short of declaring war and get away with it.  I once financed an Arab invasion of China by donating loads of tanks to them, and then nuked the Arabs when they had wiped them out. :D  This was especially cool when you got two nuclear rivals with different religions to kill each other in a holy war of nuclear armageddon.
SinisterMinisterX said:
What I mean is: I believe games are there to be enjoyed. I know there's fun to be had in a challenge, but sometimes I'm just not into that. So I have no shame about playing on the lowest difficulty level, or using cheat codes, or restarting etc... I'm looking for fun out of a game, not frustration. And if I have to play like a punk to get my fun, so be it. :bigsmile:
Sums up my attitude towards games as well. And if my 11 year old niece kicks my arse at Buffalo Racing (or whatever) on Wii, I don't bother me. :D
Goddamn Mongorians!  How come evely time us Chinamen wanna buird a chitty warr, Mongorians gotta come arong and teaw it down!!
At first for pride, then in anger and vengance, after a while, it became habit and, ultimately, part of the culture.      ;)
No, seriously, in Civ last night my Dutch were just going along happy as a clam on my island with the Portugese and the Mongorians, then they backstabbed me.

So I fucked them up, took their 4 most productive cities, and left them with tundra-laden crap.
I'm Willem van Oranje, and I ain't benevolent, motherfucker.  My hordes of axemen and swordsmen put those damn Mongols to rest/death.
Holy shit, I just realized how badly I spelled that  :blush:

Hey, good for you!  Great way to work out a week of frustrations from idiots on the other end of the phone...
Meh, I call it as I see it.  ha ha

so, i've been playing COD4 online a lot, and the night before last, I ran into a whole bunch of bastards on line.  first lobby was pretty good.  Second one, there were these two guys that were just fuckers, and they (as my team mates) killed me off twice in a row.  Third lobby, there were two guys that were pissed at each other, and they killed each other off as soon as we spawned, which caught me 2-3 times.  Then, in the last one, there was a guy from England, and he and some hick were debating their countries involvements in WWII...and ended up killing each other off and taking me out.  So, I gave up and went to bed.  Last night was much better.