Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Pineapple Hunter said:
I just cooked, btw. Chicken pasta bake. Yum.

I did that too! Except that it was without chicken and pasta, and it was actually a currywurst I got from the take-out across the street.

Quetzalcoatlus said:
Not a surprise : French and German are the most correct European languages this time, by the means
that purists still can find some ground on them

An example : Take a look to Les Liaisons Dangereuses : it's written more than 200 years ago, and yet
the language is practically the same -I certainly admire that

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean there.
Quetzalcoatlus said:
I was correct !!
Not a surprise : French and German are the most correct European languages this time, by the means
that purists still can find some ground on them

An example : Take a look to Les Liaisons Dangereuses : it's written more than 200 years ago, and yet
the language is practically the same -I certainly admire that

You cook as well -what a good girl  :)


Les Liaisons Dangereuses is brilliant. And the translation is equally great. I seriously recommend!

I don't get what you mean by correct. Do you mean consistent?
Perun said:
I did that too! Except that it was without chicken and pasta, and it was actually a currywurst I got from the take-out across the street.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean there.

Was that the Korean place? :)

Yes, I read your blog. The adventures of Terrabyte amuse the hell outta me.
Perun said:
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean there.

That despite the actual wave of slag, they both resist and keep themselves intellectual and elegant 

Pineapple Hunter said:
I don't get what you mean by correct. Do you mean consistent?

Yeah, I guess this is a good word to describe it
I am just in the mood for some really good margaritas.... hell, i could just about skip the lime, the salt, the triple sec, and go straight for the tequila.
Language is supposed to evolve, 5.  It's not supposed to stay the same, or we'd all speak Aramaic and Greek and Babylonian.
Pineapple Hunter said:
Was that the Korean place? :)

Yes, I read your blog. The adventures of Terrabyte amuse the hell outta me.

Nah, the Korean place isn't open on holidays. This one is run by Croatians and to my knowledge unaligned to organised crime. ;)

It's sometimes scary that I get so much readership. I guess I'll have to write a new entry soon...

Wasted CLV said:
I am just in the mood for some really good margaritas.... hell, i could just about skip the lime, the salt, the triple sec, and go straight for the tequila.

Hell, yeah. This weekend, it's going to be all about drinking and headbanging. It's about time again.

LooseCannon said:
Language is supposed to evolve, 5.  It's not supposed to stay the same, or we'd all speak Aramaic and Greek and Babylonian.

[geek]Not quite. We'd not even speak Greek, we'd be speaking a language that somehow, but not quite, resembles ancient Hieroglypho-Luvian, Slavic, Sanskrit and Gatha-Avestic.[/geek]

Oh man, I've been to the brain factory far too long now. It's going to have been four years this October, and at least three more coming up.
LooseCannon said:
Language is supposed to evolve, 5.  It's not supposed to stay the same, or we'd all speak Aramaic and Greek and Babylonian.

I know what you mean, and I partially agree ; In France the language you speak on the streets
is different from the language of politicians and newspapers ; yet the written French stays the same
due to French Academy -and I know that German Academy is equally strict

This is the role of the Academy in each country : to be strict, and keep the language correct, as possible
Quetzalcoatlus said:
This is the role of the Academy in each country : to be strict, and keep the language correct, as possible

Sort of.  But English is in the beginning stages of supplanting most Western European languages anyway.  Probably within 200 years everyone will speak English, and languages like German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish will be secondary languages, maintained for ceremonial and basic gov't function only.

French and Spanish will survive, but probably not in France and Spain.
LooseCannon said:
Sort of.  But English is in the beginning stages of supplanting most Western European languages anyway.  Probably within 200 years everyone will speak English, and languages like German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish will be secondary languages, maintained for ceremonial and basic gov't function only.

No, there is actually a lobby forming for preservation of the German language. It's not as strong as the French one, but it's growing.

I think the English language has a more pleasant sound to it, but preserving German is worth it for the works of Schiller and Goethe alone.
LooseCannon said:
Sort of.  But English is in the beginning stages of supplanting most Western European languages anyway.  Probably within 200 years everyone will speak English, and languages like German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish will be secondary languages, maintained for ceremonial and basic gov't function only.

It's certainly one possibility, but times they are a-changing ; see for instance the rise of China...

LooseCannon said:
French and Spanish will survive, but probably not in France and Spain.

Interesting theory  :lol:
Mm. We need to get some Tequila in. It's been a while since I danced on the tables singing Galway Girl to a crowd of unwilling punters. :)

I think English is swamping others, like Loosey said. I mean, the German Academy might be strict, but think of how the Eszett is gradually falling from use in favour of a simple double s. French and Spanish might soon be only spoken in the former mandates.

Chinese contains so many languages within itself, that the possibility of just Mandarin or just Cantonese is likely in 200 years.

Serious evolutions of Chinese, Arabic and English, I think, will be this world's mainstays.
Pineapple Hunter said:
Mm. We need to get some Tequila in. It's been a while since I danced on the tables singing Galway Girl to a crowd of unwilling punters. :)

Oh yeah, we need Tequila...

I think English is swamping others, like Loosey said. I mean, the German Academy might be strict, but think of how the Eszett is gradually falling from use in favour of a simple double s. French and Spanish might only be spoken in the former mandates.

God am I ever glad you call it Eszett, like a good Prussian. Those friggin' Bavarians call it "Scharfes S"... Although you have to wonder what it's good for anyway. It only confuses non-Germans, and the Swiss don't use it at all in the first place.

Now Playing: Alestorm - Keelhauled

Keelhaul that filthy lad and send him down to the depths below
Make that bastard walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a yo-ho-ho!
Wasted CLV said:
Lucky for me, I speak American  ;)

.... lucky us, we're alive  ;)

For the third consequent day I'm home and sooo happy about that -I was doing all the works
cleaning, dishes, arrangements and it was like a blessing -and let's don't forget spamming as well  :D

I'll be here all week  :) -then back to Suez -insh'allah!  ;)

I'm off to bed for tonight  :yawn:
Wasted CLV said:
Then go and eat!!
And I did. Carbonara - the best pasta dish by far.

On a separate issue, I've just ordered my copy of Flight 666 (along with Kreators debut).
Albie said:
On a separate issue, I've just ordered my copy of Flight 666

Damnit, I forgot that I have to get that one too... that's going to unbalance the budget I had carefully planned for tomorrow.