Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Deano said:
Yes, go Nuggets, I'm there.

Let's see:

I have a tuner, and I have also learned how to tune the same notes off of the different strings. Good?

I have basically learned the notes and know where they are the same and where to not waste effort. Good?

For right hand rhythm, I find myself plucking at my jeans, alternating fingers.... I hope this is something like you mean.

For the last two days I have been listening to IM and Rush base lines, I can't think of too many better bass players.

I'm working on the scales, I don't want to do too much too fast.

Now that I have my guitar, I will do what it takes to learn it, I'm very excited about this and I am a pure rookie. Thanks SMX, I will probably be asking for your mentorship for a while but promise to be a diligent student,

You now know 2 of the 3 good ways to tune. The other: tune by octaves. Example: open E string vs. 7th fret A string. Same idea as tuning to the same note: adjust until you don't hear beats.

Bad way to tune - and you will see people doing this, do not follow their example - tuning using harmonics. The reason has to do with equal temperament ... I'm too lazy to explain it all now. Just don't do it.

If you know the notes, confirm it will drills like this: pick a note, let's say C-sharp. Quick, find all the C-sharps on your bass. You have 5 seconds, go.
E string, 9th fret (and 21st fret if your neck goes high enough)
A string, 4th and 16th frets
D string, 11th fret (and 23rd fret if your neck goes high enough)
G string, 6th fret and 18th fret
Did you find them all in under 5 seconds?

Fingering your pants is a great idea. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) Yes, that is what I meant.

When you're listening to bassists, don't just listen to the legends. Listen to random pop songs. Listen to bands like AC/DC with very simple parts. Harris and Lee are great, but listen to the whole spectrum. For example, go listen to this oldie. You probably never thought of that as a great bass song, but that simple bassline is brilliant. Exactly what the song requires. (It's also not as simple as it sounds.)

With scales, I'm not saying you have to learn 34 different fingerings and get them up to insane speed. But you do need to learn one or two fingerings soon - they're that important.

Glad to help.

The fucking Lakers just caught on fucking fire. Up 10 points now. Fuckers. Fuck!
Wasted CLV said:
honestly, I am hoping someone (LC?) has some insight to the question I somewhat posed earlier: was the Cold War a better solution than an actual war?  I'd say yes, but my country didn't suffer under the foothold of a country like Communistic Russia...

Sorry...I am too busy and on a very unfamiliar (Swedish) keyboard!!  Remind me on next Thursday!
Thank you SMX, I am a true virgin and have my metaphorical (sp) legs spread for great input, I, while never have hearing you, have bo doubt that you are a great bassist.

just read that, yep, drunk

LC, at least say hi to me, your wick can wait.

I feel obligated to post drunk now, i love you all but you can all go fuck a banana.
Finally, it's Thursday eve.  I'm sitting at home, enjoying grilled brats and a cold beer...ahhhhhhhh!



ghe ghe ghe!  :)

Residents rename butt hole road

The residents of a street known as Butt Hole Road have raised £300 to have its name changed.

The street in South Yorkshire's Conisbrough is being renamed Archer's Way in a reference to the nearby Conisbrough Castle.

Residents hope it will gag the endless jokes they are subjected to and put an end to visitors baring their backsides for photographs next to the sign.

Marita Swann, who lives on the street, said: "Everybody is happy now, and it's a closed book. We were all in favour of changing the name."

A Doncaster Council spokesperson said: "Planners considered that there was a good case for a name change as all of the residents on the street were in favour.

"In situations where a sign is damaged or in a state of disrepair Doncaster Council will replace it free of charge. In this case there was nothing physically wrong with the sign and the residents therefore agreed to pay for a new one."

However, 2,261 people have joined an online campaign to bring back the street's name.


Apparently, today is Dipshit Day at the Honda shop, and no one informed me.  Seems clear that I have brought way too many brain cells to fit in here today.