Dick Brucinson
The TRUE Dick Brucinson
Agreed that the German event shirt is truly ugly.Yeah all event shirts I’ve seen for this tour have similar ugliness signature. Seemingly made by same mediocre artist.
Btw just recently there was a discussion about the material quality in general of Maiden shirts nowadays:
Today I received the two Tshirts I ordered from the official Maiden store in the UK, both from the "Remastered" series (TNOTB vintage shirt and The Beast On The Road Europe Tour 1982), and I must say that especially all these shirts from that "Remastered" series are of an amazingly good quality. Last year I already ordered the Maiden Japan vintage shirt plus the Killers tour shirt from the same series, and they also look like almost new today. (EDIT: honestly, I'm really happy with the quality and everything about these shirts, so I just ordered the grey vintage "The Beast cracks the West Coast 1982" shark shirt as well

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