Ancient Mariner
Otherwise, Revelations or Flight Of Icarus for Heaven Can Wait.

Otherwise, Revelations or Flight Of Icarus for Heaven Can Wait.
I would only swap the overplayed 2MTM for Paschendale but it doesn't fit length-wise; it would really make the perfect setlist. Otherwise, Revelations or Flight Of Icarus for Heaven Can Wait.
Otherwise, Revelations or Flight Of Icarus for Heaven Can Wait.
This is never going to happen.I can see Maiden dropping The Evil that Men Do for a deep cut like Stranger in a Strange Land or Caught Somewhere in Time.
Because I strongly believe that song could still return.CSIT, like the rest of SIT save Wasted Years and Heaven Can Wait, has been condemned to the ash heap of tour history.
I think it’s not going to be probable, but there is certainly a decent chance for ATG to make an appearance one day. Bruce has been teasing it for years - somehow or other, I think they’ll finally do it when the time is right.
When they do the "Songs we promised to play live one day but never have" tourI agree, but the problem is you could say that the time has been right before but it hasn't come up. The current tour looked a great chance but it didn't. When will the time be right?