Legacy of the Beast Tour 2018 - CONTAINS SPOILERS

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Headstock is gone. New neck needed.


That's just testing the top lock quality ;)
can we actually rule out this as a final tour? Or at least a final history tour? They seem to be pulling out all the stops and bringing songs from the dead back. Though some have not been played that I was hoping, this seems like a true farewell tour. "Here's the best of our career" kinda statement
I can't see Rod not marketing this as the last chance to see Maiden. I'm guessing even they don't know when the last tour will be.
I can't see Maiden ever announcing a final tour but I guess they can play it safe where if something happens in the next year or 2, they at least did a big tour of awesome hits
I can't help thinking everything they do now is a case of 'well, if anything happens, this is a good thing to end on'. I felt TBOS was a suitable ending to their career, and their current tour is a healthy note to end on if it comes to that.
My fear is that they will be disillusioned enough to retire only following a great failure (a tour or an album failing badly).

LOTB is not this one for sure. The tour is so far a great success. I hope they don't fail in any of the things they will produce in the near future.
I don't see Maiden ending their career with any types of failures. They've said at least twice that they'll retire before they become a parody of themselves. Also, by the time the next album comes out, the current lawsuit BS should be done and over with so probably not too much to worry about there either. Overall, I'm pretty confident that Maiden's career will end very well.
I don't see Maiden ending their career with any types of failures. They've said at least twice that they'll retire before they become a parody of themselves. Also, by the time the next album comes out, the current lawsuit BS should be done and over with so probably not too much to worry about there either. Overall, I'm pretty confident that Maiden's career will end very well.
I wholeheartedly hope so. :)

The only doubt I have is, how they will know when they become a parody of themselves. I hope you will be right on that one.
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