Legacy of the Beast Tour 2018 - CONTAINS SPOILERS

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Yeah, I read that. But that's very far-fetched interpretation. The lyrics are nonsensical for the most part.

Most of the song meanders between absolutely out-of-the-left-field imagery and quasi-antireligious statements. And it's not even interconnected in any meaningful way. The former more or less fits with Bruce's "let's be poetic" approach that annoys me, because, well, he says nothing in very pretty words and the latter annoys me even more, because this "Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions" and "Religion Is Bad, Humanity Was Wrong All the Time, I Found the Real Truth!" is something that really disappoints me in such a talented and intelligent bloke as Bruce, especially when 1.) it's obvious he knows nothing about actual religion, really and 2.) his stellar accusation is as insane as the song at hand.

He's not using literary allusions (well, yeah, sword of Damocles, but even that's not used in any meaningful way), he doesn't say anything substantial. I'd rather take Epica's antireligion rants, at least they stress some good points and despite they also sometimes remind me of a fifth-grader that stumbled across his first Thesaurus, it rarely obscures their message and the meaning of the song at hand. Or Dylan, who with his jelly-faced women who sneeze while geez, he can't find his knees at least doesn't take himself that seriously. But really, "carbon spider's web"?

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then.
Yeah, I read that. But that's very far-fetched interpretation. The lyrics are nonsensical for the most part.

I, at least, got the message behind the lyrics with incredible ease. I saw nothing nonsensical in there, everything made perfect sense in the overall concept of the song, and if one single word gets taken out, everything falls apart. And the space and stars metaphors could never be more accurate IMO. Maybe because I completely agree with Bruce's point of view this time around.
@Perun Have a great show. Hoping for your sake that the weather holds up. Two years ago, when I was there, we were wet before we even entered the venue :D .
I'd be fine with them dropping TNOTB and RTTH permanently, but FOTD and Hallowed need to stay in every setlist.
Wrong. 'Fear of the Dark' needs to die and 'Run to the Hills' should stay for all time.

@Perun is there a Germany specific t-shirt?
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I don't think that this Edward The Great artwork means that they planned to play ATG. Also that Nicko interview where he says that they rehearsed the song "way back" also doesn't suggest that they considered playing it.

I've already accepted that they will never play ATG, so I avoid this suffering every tour. Maybe one day I'll be surprised..
I don't think that this Edward The Great artwork means that they planned to play ATG. Also that Nicko interview where he says that they rehearsed the song "way back" also doesn't suggest that they considered playing it.

I've already accepted that they will never play ATG, so I avoid this suffering every tour. Maybe one day I'll be surprised..

I don't know if that Eddie is ATG Eddie, but something is strange about these last minute changes. If it's Edward the great Eddie why change it? Why did they change SIT Eddie in the last minute? Why did they give us that BS story about Rod and mosquito?

I am not saying that it was ATG for sure, I'm just saying that something is fishy about this.
Ah. That's considerably less far fetched than Rod's story, of course.

I also just saw a t-shirt with the Tailgunner artwork saying "Nail that Fokker".
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