Educated Fool
what we talked around this post has also been verified by Nicko: "Bruce is singing out of time!' When it's not that fantastic vibe that we get when we play together — we'll carry on as you want us to and the fans and as long as we have the heart to and believe me, there's actually more passion the more we get older than I think we had when we had when we were in the mid-'80s in the first heyday of MAIDEN."As he gets older, Bruce looks after himself better. He performs on stage like he really has something to prove. I believe this is why he sounds even better than he did in the 1980s and the 1990s. He was never as motivated as he is now, especially in the aftermath of the cancer.
Enjoy the moment, guys.

Quote from:
Nicko's interview. Regarding band's longevity. Great!