Ancient Mariner
Nice one, Hunlord. You get three

Two men are standing on the top of the Empire State Building when a tourist walks up to look over the edge. The first man says, 'You know, friend, the wind is so strong up here that if you jump off the top you can go through an open window on the 85th floor.' 'No way!' replies the tourist. 'Sure you can- watch me!' says the first man, who jumps off the top. Sure enough, three minutes later the man appears at the top of the building. 'See? Now you try,' he says. The tourist agrees, giving him his camera and wallet for safe-keeping. He jumps off the top....
....and falls 100 floors to a sticky death on the street below.
'You know,' says the second man to the first, 'you can be a real prick sometimes, Superman...'

Two men are standing on the top of the Empire State Building when a tourist walks up to look over the edge. The first man says, 'You know, friend, the wind is so strong up here that if you jump off the top you can go through an open window on the 85th floor.' 'No way!' replies the tourist. 'Sure you can- watch me!' says the first man, who jumps off the top. Sure enough, three minutes later the man appears at the top of the building. 'See? Now you try,' he says. The tourist agrees, giving him his camera and wallet for safe-keeping. He jumps off the top....
....and falls 100 floors to a sticky death on the street below.
'You know,' says the second man to the first, 'you can be a real prick sometimes, Superman...'