ISIS Thread

Yes, Texas is just like the Middle East, I had to work my way around 2 suicide bombers and heard they tore the Alamo down on my way to work today :)
I didn't even try to be funny. Not even remotely. The nuking is just such a crazy idea that I had to copy paste it to the territories of the ones with such an opinion.

But in America, politicians are serious about it (see vid in previous post).

It was a joke, to reference that there are no really good options there ... too bad we could not start over.
What if we'd done the same with the whole of Yugoslavia, somewhere in the nineties?

Not whole but parts could've taken a little of atomic medicine...
But yeah, not the same league.

Edit: Foro for fuck's sake I was joking too. Don't take it so seriously.

Human Rights Watch said Friday that Syrian opposition fighters committed “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” in an Aug. 4 assault, killing at least 190 civilians as the rebels began a large-scale offensive to take back government-controlled areas in Latakia province, where many members of President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite sect live in rural villages.

The report said it is not clear what role, if any, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) — the armed wing of the main opposition coalition that is openly supported by the United States, Britain, France and Sunni Muslim Gulf states — played in the offensive.

“We woke up around 5 a.m. to the sound of gunfire coming closer to us. We started to run away, but as we were running we saw some people getting killed in front of us,” New York–based Human Rights Watch (HRW) quoted a resident of the village Abu Makkeh as saying. “I was fleeing with my mother, father — there were about eight of us, including my brother’s newborn daughter. Three neighbors died right in front of me. We walked into the fields nearly three kilometers (1.5 miles) to get to safety.”

“By deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds, the Autonomous Administration is abusing its authority and brazenly flouting international humanitarian law, in attacks that amount to war crimes,” said Lama Fakih, Senior Crisis Advisor at Amnesty International.
Looks like it was a bomb that took down the Russian passenger get. ISIS claimed responsibility when the plane went down, so this seems like the thread for it

European investigators who analyzed the two flight recorders from the Metrojet plane that went down last weekend in Egypt are categorically saying the crash is not an accident, CNN affiliate France 2 reported Friday.

The investigators said the cockpit voice recorder of Metrojet Flight 9268shows an explosion and the flight data recorder confirms the explosion is not accidental -- there is no sign of mechanical malfunction during the initial part of the flight, France 2 reported.

Everything is fine during the first 24 minutes, then in a fraction of a second there is a blackout and no more cockpit conversation, convincing investigators there was a bomb on board, according to France 2.

CNN Aviation Analyst Richard Quest said there would have been different data on the black boxes if there was a catastrophic failure than if there was an explosion. The key is what happened just before the data suddenly stops, he said.

"It's this split second, and it's a millisecond, where you hear an explosion of some description," he said. "And you see all the parameters (on the recorders) go haywire before the power is completely lost. If this report is accurate, (investigators) have now analyzed that ... heard it and they can identify it."

If the plane had broken apart due to structural failure, there would have been more noise -- and for a longer time, he said.

France's air accident investigation agency, the BEA, told CNN that Egyptian officials will make an announcement about the crash investigation within the next 24 hours.

An Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said on Twitter that the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation will hold a new conference at 5 p.m. local time (10 a.m. ET) Saturday. The Foreign Affairs Ministry did not provide any detail about the topic of Saturday's media briefing.

Also Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to suspend Russian air traffic with Egypt until the cause of the crash can be determined, the Kremlin said.

"Putin has accepted the recommendations of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee to suspend flights with Egypt. ... The President has also instructed to provide assistance to Russian citizens to return from Egypt. In addition, the President has instructed to engage with the Egyptian side to ensure the safety of air traffic," the Kremlin said.

The United States and Britain shared their intelligence with Russia concerning the Metrojet crash before Putin made the decision to suspend flights, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told CNN's Matthew Chance late Friday.

Putin spoke with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi about the security situation in Egypt.

"The two leaders agreed to strengthen cooperation between the relevant security authorities in the two countries," el-Sisi's office said. "It was agreed that Russian flights to Egypt would resume at the soonest time possible."

A U.S. official said there have been talks among the three countries and the FBI could provide experts, including bomb technicians, to assist the investigation led by Egypt and Russia. No request for such help has been made.
The fuckers have killed tens of people in a concert hall ; they are stlill holdings hostages. And we are now officialy on emergency state.