ISIS Thread

Russia is helping killing the moderates at the moment. They say they hit IS but they hit moderate opposition, hardly IS.
You know it's bad when the Al Nusra Front is seen as moderate, seeing as NATO's justification for the war in Afghanistan was that the Taleban were hiding (and training) just that kind of groups.

Oh, and freedom and democracy of course.
Al-Nusra is not seen as moderate. At least, not anymore.

Eliminating groups
Sandwiched between the two big fighting forces of Assad's army and IS are a whole host of minor rebel groups with obscure names, like Tajammu al-Izza, who say they were hit by Russian air strikes on Wednesday.

Some of these groups are perceived by the West as being "moderate" but most have been steadily weakened and plagued by defections, defeats and capture.

With the reported arrival in Syria of hundreds of Iranian troops, the build-up there of Russian forces and a newly active Russian stance, the indications are that Assad and his allies are going after crushing the minor rebel groups, leaving only the extremists of IS and al-Nusra.

They will then be able to say: "Look, you may not like him but Assad is the only alternative to the medieval head-choppers of IS".
We need some even larger super power that all of the above are afraid of to step in and put it's foot down and say "STOP that! silly!" Maybe aliens from outer space with ray guns or something...

So a big brother that will dominate the world by force? Great idea.
Woah, slow down there Ultron.

I still don't understand why the Western world has to involve themselves in the conflict to the extent they are. You can defeat a country through war, but you can't defeat an ideology through war, that's called fighting fire with fire. Instead, the Western world should focus on offering indirect support to allies in the Arabian peninsula to avoid the threat of ISIS, instead of risking supplying potential terrorist cells by supplying rebels.

ISIS is not a sustainable force; their greatest enemy are themselves, so a defensive approach works best.
I'm pretty sure that if USA and Russia combined forces and attacked ISIS from all sides both from land and air they'd wipe it out in a week. It's just that they don't want to. You can't tell me that with the amount of money they both spend on military and advanced weaponry they wouldn't be able to do it. IMO ISIS is probably the biggest threat to world security since Nazi Germany, so even though it'd cost a lot, it'd surely be worth it to eliminate them completely.
No it wouldn't though. If it was a country, it would be easy for both Russia and America, yes. But because ISIS is an ideology, you can't take it down with immediate force. An attack of that magnitude will only draw sympathy and more support for ISIS, even if it is entirely unjustified.

ISIS are more barbaric than any other Islamic terrorist cells are, but I don't know whether that's a blessing or a curse for them. They are far more bold and have made significant land gains, but the question is whether they can hold onto them or not without the risk of intervention from the rest of the Arabian world, or even rebellions within their controlled territories. Add to that the multitude of ways their ideology can be interpreted (they decapitated one of their head executioners for smoking), and you have a force that will self destruct on itself.