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I know that you, Brigantium, took a pretty big chance with Maiden at Download this year right? With work and money and everything...
That's the thing about Maiden just have to forget about location/money/responsibilities and just go see them...I've seen them 6 times, at least 3 of those have been because I "forgot" about those three things....

This is basically how I feel about the situation. I am in no way rich; I basically live paycheck to paycheck, have a part time job, live on my own, and am trying my hardest to finish my education. But there's nothing I love more in this world than Iron Maiden.

Every time I've seen them so far (with the exception of this upcoming St. Louis show... finally they return to my hometown!) I've had to travel 300+ miles each time. I make it work, basically saving up the months in advance just to enjoy the concerts when they tour the US (which is usually every two years; these seven dates coming up sure were a surprise). I have nothing else in this world to look forward to as much as seeing Iron Maiden live.
Absolutely Demigod....That's how it is basically for most fans. Especially since they don't do full world tours anymore...the fans have to sacrifice. And I hope nobody here thinks I'm taking a swing at them..but that's just how it is. I've been so broke after some Maiden shows it's not even funny :D
The days of hitting the US hard are gone, you have to live near a major city or be willing to travel to one. That is for sure.
Some people can just spend whatever money they have go to a Maiden show. Travel miles and miles to a venue. Take off however many days of work they want. But not every one can do that. Even with prior planning, sometimes that doesn't work out. It doesn't make someone less of a Maiden fan if they're not able to make those sacrifices to go see them. Now, I know no one said those exact words but that's just how I feel when people say things like that.
Sorry, I'm with Moon Child --it ain't all about money; not all of us can get time off work, for example (as has been said). Are you saying I should just have gone AWOL? Bollocks. Seeing Maiden ain't worth my job. Plus, given six weeks notice, or whatever the hell the UK got for the O2, doesn't allow "saving up the months in advance" etc. We knew about it in late June, early July. I basically couldn't get the time off at that short notice. Hell, I think I had my 2013 holidays in when Donington was announced (~Sept. 2012).
Agreed. Different circumstances for everyone. I've been fortunate enough to see Maiden twice, and I would love to see them again. But it doesn't make me less of a fan because I've been unable to see them the last few times they've passed by.

Now, let's move on before this gets too heated, eh? We're all Maiden fans, after all!

Do we have any South Americans that are planning on catching this last leg of the tour?
Woah there people...since when did anyone say this was about being a fan?!? Don't take this personally... just general chat about going to Maiden shows....

I think it is just a fact that...going to Maiden shows rarely happens when you've got time, no responsibilities and money...and as others have said in this thread when they've gone to see Maiden they've usually been really really broke afterwards...just how it is....It's not like those who HAVE gone to see Maiden are any richer than people who haven't :D
Sorry, I'm with Moon Child --it ain't all about money; not all of us can get time off work, for example (as has been said). Are you saying I should just have gone AWOL? Bollocks. Seeing Maiden ain't worth my job. Plus, given six weeks notice, or whatever the hell the UK got for the O2, doesn't allow "saving up the months in advance" etc. We knew about it in late June, early July. I basically couldn't get the time off at that short notice. Hell, I think I had my 2013 holidays in when Donington was announced (~Sept. 2012).

In that case I guess all you can hope for is that Maiden's touring plan coincide with your own three weeks off...or you are just fucked I guess.

Edit: spelling.
More notice would be a start. And not a summer date for the gig. It's damn near impossible to get summer time off, as everyone & their granny wants weeks (especially those with kids who can only really go on holiday over the summer months) in the summer off, booking months & months in advance. Anyway, I'm boring myself here with this grumbling. It just canny always happen that easily, that's all.

As you say: need to get lucky, or I'm fucked! :D
Earlier notice on when and where from Maiden's side would be nice for sure, but it ain't always up to them to announce things first....I guess best bet is to look at what does Maiden usually do touring wise and then plan ahead....We all know for example that Summer is usually Euro festivals by you know you need days off..and money to spend ;)
Oi, I hate summer tours, if only because it means the band is always playing at an outdoor amphitheater where the sound is shit. I think it's the only time they tour the US anymore, though. Does anyone remember what the last non-summer Maiden tour was in the States?
Wiki seems to list every tour with dates; no idea if it's accurate, but I always use it for reference. The Maiden official website also has all the tours & dates.
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