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I found this:
so maybe that's what he was referring to.

Edit: Here's a more recent one, from November:
Your tour this year with Maiden paid homage to ‘Maiden England’ and fans are very stoked about the planned ‘Maiden England’ reissue for next year. What can you tell us about where that project is at? What sort of bonus material will there be on the package and what has the process been as far as any necessary cleanup of the footage and things like that?

Well, it’s still a work-in-progress at the moment, so I can’t say too much about it, but that’s one of the things that I’ve been working on as of now, to be honest. So it’s still in the pipeline and we’re still working on stuff.

Edit 2: While looking for this, I came across the following interview with Nicko, in which he says that it was Bruce who wrote Run to the Hills and that making a new album is not 100% sure. :blink:
There was something somewhere about "surprises", I'm sure. Did you see that last edit I added?
I have no idea. It's a really long radio programme, almost two and a half hours, which I'm not sure I'll be able to listen to. Maybe he said those things in a kind of different context, I don't know.
The story that Nicko tells about Flight of Icarus at the beginning is just hilarious. :lol: He even wanted to resign!
Nicko speaks about future Maiden (Q: "What's next for Iron Maiden?...") at the ~137 minute mark, for those who want to listen to his comments (--that are quoted in the "Maiden Revelations" article).
Interesting about "Run to the Hills"... The impression I'd gotten about that album was that Bruce was making sure not to contribute too much to where he'd even deserve a credit, like more in the vein of creative input than any actual songwriting. Has anyone listened the context of that statement and can give more information, like if an accurate credit would be Harris/Dickinson or just Dickinson?
The interview has several interesting segments. On his influences / some of his old bands / his drumming style / some drumming tips but the most interesting was how Maiden are working out a song (before recording) and the way he and Steve are busy with the details in the rhythm section (after "the rest buggers off"). He describes how Steve and he record segments of certain pieces. With a ghetto blaster Steve is using since 1980! It's a short part but really cool:
Best thing you guys can do is go to the link Ariana provided us:
And download the interview. Go to 1h26m31 (the stuff before that isn't that interesting)
It starts with the RTTH comment (he only says Bruce wrote it but that it was credited to Steve and Adrian, which is a mistake, so maybe he confuses this with e.g. The Prisoner) and then he goes into how they work out a song.

The "next album" comment comes @ 2h17
He said: "New music, maybe, maybe. We discussed 2 or 3 years ago, .... before we went out on the TFF tour, we discussed doing one more album but we don't know when. We've talked about it but we're not sure 100% whether we will...
Actually, I heard that Bruce wrote Run to the Hills before. Along with The Prisoner. The story went that legal stuff prevented him from getting credited, because he was still under contractual obligations from his Samson times. But it was more or less an open secret, and Bruce performed both songs live in his solo years.
Actually, I heard that Bruce wrote Run to the Hills before. Along with The Prisoner. The story went that legal stuff prevented him from getting credited, because he was still under contractual obligations from his Samson times. But it was more or less an open secret, and Bruce performed both songs live in his solo years.

I can't source it, but that was my understanding too.
A Rod Smallwood-style FU to the lawyers.
But did he write these by himself or co-wrote it? I wonder if he got sole credit for Revelations and Powerslave for the "balance" so to speak.
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