Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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There was a countdown to El Dorado, wasn't it? Or for AMOLAD tracks...
And, please, confirm that it's about Babylon.
I want the album to be called Babylon.

Btw, Writing On The Wall would be good as a closing song of the new album (given the meaning of it and if this will be their last album) - but it has to be an epic since Maiden like to end their albums with epics... especially since the reunion.
Considering how the bloat has been increasing since the reunion (and hey, I'm not complaining... usually. Let's keep TBOS away from the debate), I'd say that a triple album (and most likely the last one) after 6 years of studio silence is not all that crazy, insane and inconceivable an idea. (shrugging emoji)
Well, a CD can hold up to 80 min of music and TBOS was 95 minutes, so just barely double album length. For a triple album they would be almost doubling the length of their last album. That’s much more “bloat” than average.

I would really like to see Maiden actually do the double album thing justice. Not just two discs but two full length CDs and maybe something to differentiate the two discs (some sort of conceptual continuity or a musical difference).
Writing on the Wall sounds way better than any of the above titles, I’m sorry. This is Maiden, not some young trad metal band trying to sound hip and cool.
I like WOTW just fine however I think it's too soft to be the title. And why would they tease the actual title? It's a tease but I don't think they are giving away the surprise. My bet? The title of the album is none of what has been mentioned and it will be a surprise. Everything *could* be song titles...but I doubt that as well.
New to the forum, been lurking for a while. I just wanna say that Writing on the Wall has to be the most overused metal cliche lyric ever and I really, really hope the album is named something else. I'm very excited for the new music regardless of course.
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