Totally agree with the focus over length. When you consider the reunion album run times....they've been getting longer and longer.While more is always... more, I'd personally fancy for a bit more compact and coherent record of.. say, 9 songs. I think the overall quality of Maiden songs has been astonishingly, for even the somewhat filler-ish stuff has been relatively ok for the past two decades and so, but it'd be nice, for a change, to get something slightly more focused and not quite as meandering.
And this comes from a huge AMOLAD & TBOS fan.
I'm not expecting, or wanting, them to fill a record with 5 minute "rockers" poorly imitating Aces High or The Trooper or matching the grandeur of Seventh Son or Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but the coherence of their older records is something I'd really like to see here. Granted, I think TBOS is still a very good listen thorough, but for a change, I'd really like to see a record with less songs and more focus. A couple of mammoth songs, some great 7-8 minute starblindbenjaminbreegwhatnots they've been very good at for years now paced up by one or two "rockers" and something in the vein of Tears of a Clown. Gimme gimme...
Well, that's the wishful thinking for today. I believe the next record will be good. I hope they'll follow the darker and heavier road, as it really seems to work with them nowadays.
Can't wait for next week...UP THE IRONS!
BNW 66 mins
DOD 67 mins
AMOLAD 71 mins
TFF 76 mins
BOS 92 mins
Personally I don't want the new album to just keep getting longer.
BNW length is more then enough to feel fulfilled and epic. They don't need to try and recapture anything....just make the music that feels natural for them now, and edit it to the best version of that, including removing songs that don't keep the super high standard they are capable off. Well whatever happens....its exciting times. Looking forward to the listening party this evening