Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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Dolby Atmos album mixes will be a niche product, just like the DVD audio surround mixes, I think. Atmos in its smallest reincarnation, demands ceiling speakers in addition to the traditional home surround setup. It’s not for the broad masses that sports 20€ headphones. We also got SA-CDs. That dried up fast as well.
Atmos will not catch on if I were wagering. The pendulum has been swinging back from multi-channel to stereo for some time (5-10 years now) and even HT multi-channel has peaked. People are more focused on good 2-channel sound quality over multi somewhat due to the resurgence in personal listening (headphones) and turntables (the retro cool factor). Certainly as with DVD-Audio, SACD etc very few people will pay a premium for surround music.
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I know that everyone in the band is getting older day by day, as we all here, so I know each tour and album is in that particular time special.
As long as I would like to be eternally here and Maiden aswell, it's not simpy possible and there's the time when each must face the reality and retire.
Each album and tour is gift to us fans, I will always remember the happy moments that I've had while listening to Maiden or the immersion and atmosphere in the concerts that I've witnessed through the years.
I just yet don't want to think that will this or the next one be their last album. Whatever it is, each album release that I have had since I've been to them since mid-80's has been special for me. I got memories, happenings and moments in my life that all somehow are attached to Iron Maiden.
The day when Iron Maiden retires (if they ever do, as Bruce said in the interview that "we’re never going to f**king retire") will be one of the saddest and also one of the most emotional for me. How can it be so? You don't even know them etc.? Some might ask.
Well, I've been with Maiden and Bruce for almost my whole life, it is really the most precious thing and important band for me ever, so I will breath, think and live my life on this way until the last moment and breath I ever have. I've also asked special song to be played at my funeral.
I can talk with you people and perhaps tell you couple memories but that can wait 'til another day.
Atmos, whether it catches on or not, is still a neat flash-in-the-pan idea that is interesting for Maiden to pursue, just like the DVD-A DoD album. It might not mean anything in the long run, but listening to a new Maiden album in a new surround format is quite a cool thing.
So, when Bruce said, that he is writing with Steve, he didn't lied. Triple album is coming :applause:
If they recorded a triple album during a month and a half... Man I hope there are no "Speed Of Light" performance mistakes...
So, when Bruce said, that he is writing with Steve, he didn't lied. Triple album is coming :applause:
He meant emailing or sending messages in a bottle. That's what we're getting, transcripts from their correspondence.
If they recorded a triple album during a month and a half... Man I hope there are no "Speed Of Light" performance mistakes...
ugh, you hit a sour note for me there - can't stand "Speed of Light" or "Wildest Dreams". my two least favorite modern Maiden songs. they just sound like they belong to UFO or Deep Purple not mighty Maiden. sorry, needed to vent that lol
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