Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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^ yeah i mean we all have different marginal tastes right? i just can't get into the 70's mid-tempo rocker songs at all. i respect Sabbath of the 70's but i NEVER listen to them. just too simple structure-wise. same deal with these two songs for me. SKIP. lol
Can someone tell me excatly where this Speed of Light mistake is? I listened to it today and I am yet to notice it.
Plus also highlight any of the other mistakes mentioned here recently, I cant remember what songs people mentioned. 7th Son, maybe? Like, tell me exactly where in the song it is.
Note, I am not denying the existence of these mistakes, I just haven't noticed them.
That would mean getting together with Kevin Shirley and there has been no indication of anything like that happening.
It can mean they played their parts, each separated in different countries and sended via internet. It means, there will be no 'live in the studio' feel. Actually that would be pretty great. Recorded and played like in ole good times. :D
Can someone tell me excatly where this Speed of Light mistake is? I listened to it today and I am yet to notice it.
Plus also highlight any of the other mistakes mentioned here recently, I cant remember what songs people mentioned. 7th Son, maybe? Like, tell me exactly where in the song it is.
Note, I am not denying the existence of these mistakes, I just haven't noticed them.
Listen to the lead guitar riff after the guitar solo. There's a really obvious bum note. It absolutely ruins the song for me
As much as I'd love this to be a triple album I'd have to see some super compelling evidence before even considering it as a possibility.
What are our bets regarding Belshazzar's Feast and WOTW. Which of them will be single and which album name. One thing is certain. Those two sentences are connected (Biblical story about Babylonian King). So... there's good chance that new album may be semi concept, because... remember older singles. They weren't indicative about albums.. Speed of Light, El Dorado, Different World, those songs where just some general ideas. This time it might be different.
Sorry for my English
What are our bets regarding Belshazzar's Feast and WOTW. Which of them will be single and which album name. One thing is certain. Those two sentences are connected (Biblical story about Babylonian King). So... there's good chance that new album may be semi concept, because... remember older singles. They weren't indicative about albums.. Speed of Light, El Dorado, Different World, those songs where just some general ideas. This time it might be different.
Sorry for my English
I'm predicting BF will be the name of the album and WOTW the first single.
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