Out of the Silent Planet
^ I've tried to solve this message (*every number represents one sentence vertically in order):New clue at Daniel ( @bels_feast ) twitter account
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1- the fans follow the band and the band follows the fans.
2- secret or not?
3- the fans are needed for the hype.
4- share and continue to guess the clues.
5- do not wonder.
6- it's clear/it's so easy.
7- to our great fans.
8- it's right in front of you!
9- the key is in the capital -> Willem Tell (from the Twitter account)/WOTW in the first e-mail response.
10- all you see is planned.
11- the guessing the clues from the fans.
12- dunno..., maybe not a concept album.
13- Guillaume Tell Studio logo/if it is a concept album -> the apple & the river in SSOASS album cover.
14- Heaven Or Hell (from Belshazzar's feast poster).
I've also tried to solve the message in the first e-mail response:
You have knocked and we have been summoned - you want information.
You hunger and soon you will feast - news soon.
Ascension assured to the patient - be patient.
Be you a man or be you a beast - reference to Man Or Beast (from Belshazzar's feast poster).
We of the brotherhood are watching - Maiden Towers are watching the fans.
On our marks you'll need to get set - follow us.
The Fire of Belshazzar is coming - the album is coming.
What three words, we'll signal but not yet - the title of the album will be revealed, but not yet.
You have knocked and we have been summoned - you want information.
You hunger and soon you will feast - news soon.
Ascension assured to the patient - be patient.
Be you a man or be you a beast - reference to Man Or Beast (from Belshazzar's feast poster).
We of the brotherhood are watching - Maiden Towers are watching the fans.
On our marks you'll need to get set - follow us.
The Fire of Belshazzar is coming - the album is coming.
What three words, we'll signal but not yet - the title of the album will be revealed, but not yet.