Out of the Silent Planet
Yeah, but the thing is that the album is not a secret anymore... if someone still have doubts, you can remember probably the biggest evidence: the Post-That-Mustn't-Be-Mentioned (I liked that)....they could be keeping it a secret just to keep the speculation going,
Yes, the point of lifting the secrecy would make a lot of fans happy.

I also miss proper singles (with different/proper covers, not like the one for SOL, which is pretty lazy... the one for ''Rainmaker'' too) and B-sides of live versions or other bonus stuff. Especially since Maiden have such a big tradition with them. For sure the fans will buy them (alone for the cover), as always. But times are changing...Not just for the artwork, I really miss proper singles with b-sides
More singles = more covers with Eddie. At least LOTB game helps with that... it's not the same, but it's something.
The last proper singles (plus different covers) and all were the ones for AMOLAD album. The single covers for TFF are good, but they could have been way better (I appreciate that they wanted to make them ''one style'' like the ones for SSOASS album though).