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Theoretically they don't need to lock themselves into a studio for 2 months at a time...

Absolutely not. I would say that the majority of bands no longer work like that.
I've posted this before, but can we really be so sure that just because they've worked in a certain way before that it's set in stone?
If they actually start working on an album, then they should rethink their use of social media.
Or do they want the fans to know? :D
Old men and social media....
Oops, maybe I shouldn't say that... :D
Theoretically they don't need to lock themselves into a studio for 2 months at a time. They could easily go in for a week, write and arrange music, come back some weeks or months later and record everything (since they mostly play the stuff live this doesn't take as much time as recording every instrument by itself).
If I'm not mistaken, BNW was recorded like that. They had like 5 songs ready in 1999 before TEH tour. And they only wrote a few songs in the studio for DOD and TFF albums. Plus the band for sure has some leftover ideas or songs from the previous album session. Adrian, Janick.
Oh, and if Steve liked some of Bruce's solo songs again, that will save time.
but I'd have to lie if I said that it isn't exciting that there's even a slight possibility of a new Maiden studio album.
Yeah, I would love to witness another and another season of hints and clues. Bring it on!
I've posted this before, but can we really be so sure that just because they've worked in a certain way before that it's set in stone?
Ofc there's always a possibility for a change, but that's their way of doing things since TBOS album. The fact that they had an idea to book another studio right after the recording of SJ suggest that they were really prolific or had an inspiration to write more and more in the studio.
Dave is there too.
If it's true, then it gets interesting and the whole band is there without Steve (for now). It should be about the new album since Janick and Dave are there too. I mean, it's weird, Bruce is on tour - and why would they want the fans to know when they like to work in secret. They're making plans for something... despite Steve's and Bruce's comments that a new album isn't planned yet-but for what? Kevin also mentioned that he has 8 albums waiting to be released and we know Maiden like to keep surprises. I'm not saying it's that possible or certain though.
It could be about the 2025 tour and setlist (individuals rehearsals if they set will have more deep cuts again), but since they are planning a few years in advance, I think everything is more or less ready with room for improvements or changes. What more? The expected live album from the current tour? You don't need all members and in one place for that, right. Like when only Steve and Adrian are there for the mixing of an album.
If Bruce is recording an album in less than two weeks after just heavily touring with a cold, God help us all.
I really doubt he will do this for Maiden, he said no new album is not planned to be released next year so they will have plenty of time. Iirc, he recorded his vocals for the new solo album a couple of weeks before the start of Maiden's 2022 tour. And listening to some performances on certain songs, I think he only spent about 2 weeks/first takes for that.
France is the country of romance. They are all shagging like rabbits.

Oh, we are so far away from understanding what is going on.

I've also got something so that we can continue like this: On the next leg of the tour, they're going to surprise us with a choreography that they are going to show on stage and of course have to practise together and not just via Skype. :D