Historical Figures 20 Questions v2

So @Dr. Eddies Wingman ...

This person is male;
Born between 1871-1899 & living into the 20th century;
He's European, but not Scandinavian;
A political figure, but not a British one;
Not royalty either;
Wouldn't be judged literary/artistic either (secondary to political);
Involved in a conflict/war, that was not WWI (or associated I assume?);
Not primarily a military figure (as he's political), but may (possibly, because of my poor questioning) still have served in the military;
"Events outside Europe" are relevant to this person, but these did not occur in North America or Africa...

Hmmm... I seem to have wasted an awful lot of questions getting to this.
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Your summary is correct. Another hint:

He was born and raised in a European country, but he is most known for his part in events after he left Europe.
David Ben Gurion?

Correct! :applause:

David Ben Gurion, born 1886 in Poland, emigrated to Palestine and got involved in politics early. When Israel was established, he became its first Prime Minister.

I wanted to make a challenging task, and I thought having an emigrant (thus an European by birth, but known for his life after emigrating) would serve that purpose. My next hint would've been that he has an airport named after him.
It was obvious after Cried's summary and definite after the Middle East question.