Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Well that was my first attempt, and am in the midst of 16 hour work days in the constructing, designing , problem solving on the fly phase of a billion +$$ project. No excuse, and yes the clues weren’t great.
But it’s. Not as easy as it seems. Constructing clues. Especially to an international, multi generational , multi language, multi cultural pool of solvers. Kind of fun though. Will do better next time. UTI. Game on!
Urinary Track Infection?

Also, I didn't mean to come across as critical towards your clues. I've noticed it a lot and I agree that's it's probably difficult to not make it too easy without seeming arbitrary. I'm positive I can not do any better.
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams
At least, clue #5 hints at the Gamma Ray song with the same name. ;)

BTW the due explanation:

Clue#1: 400000 more to die:
Passage from Slayer's Angel Of Death ("...could it be the Angel of Death has come for me?")

Clue#2: Jim's contribute on (arguably) the most toxic british movie ever made (namely the OST).
Iggy Pop AKA James Newell Osterberg AKA Jim among friends contributed with the song Lust For Life on Trainspotting's OST ("I have a lust for the Earth below")

Blatant reference to the movie Inception ("I lie asleep in the midst of a dream") ... If you watched it you'll get it. If you didn't GO WATCH IT NOW!

Clue#4: show you the way to what follows the Empire (but not the one of the clouds)
After Empire, Queensryche released Promised Land ("Take my hand I'll lead you to the promised land")

Clue#5: too many people, too much trouble... and too many words alike.
As Black Bart said these are the first lines of Gamma Ray's...errr... Heaven Can Wait.
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling
Clue #4: Devil’s Dance

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild, Losfer Words, Prowler, Judgement Of Heaven, 2 A.M.