Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Hallowed Be Thy Name?

1- Saddam was hung
2- "After all I'm not afraid of dying/ Don't I believe that there never is an end" and "I've gone beyond to seek the truth"
3- "Life down here is just a strange illusion"
4- In past times heliothrope was a color people wore when griefing a relative's death ("Mark my words, believe my soul lives on/ Don't worry now that I have gone")
Correct! :)

Clue #1: Saddam's song < "You tell me that we all can change" = if Saddam can, so can we all:
Clue #2: between death and rebirth < on Death on the Road, the song appears between "Dance of Death" and "Brave New World".
Clue #3: also between fantasies and fibs < on Dance of Death, it does between "Wildest Dreams" and "No More Lies".
Clue #4: disappointed heliotropes < "heliotropes" (meaning "which turns toward the sun" in Greek) are in for disappointment since the sun is bleak: "I turned my face toward the barren sun".

PS Remember, @bornless1 : it is just one guess per clue (though your first guess was the right one ;) ).

Clue #1 trout taking a short cut through shark infested waters

Clue #2: these questions get stuck in my head
Clue #1: trout taking a short cut through shark infested waters
Clue#2: these questions get stuck in my head
Clue #3: Live on the rocks in 2018
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Clue#1 trout taking a short cut through shark infested waters
Clue#2: these questions get stuck in my head
Clue#3: live on the rocks in 2018
Clue#4: Steve all in vs. Eddie
Jer is correct. Sorry work got in the way of life for me once. Again!.. only have a sec here. again. Angel and the gambler is correct.
Some of these clues you guys come up with...I can't decide if they're genius or weird arbitrary shit no one would ever guess until there's more clues out. But it's ok. My car has a back up camera so I won't hit the cans.
Well that was my first attempt, and am in the midst of 16 hour work days in the constructing, designing , problem solving on the fly phase of a billion +$$ project. No excuse, and yes the clues weren’t great.
But it’s. Not as easy as it seems. Constructing clues. Especially to an international, multi generational , multi language, multi cultural pool of solvers. Kind of fun though. Will do better next time. UTI. Game on!