Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling
Clue #4: Devil’s Dance
Clue #5: The Frayed Ends Of Sanity

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild, Losfer Words, Prowler, Judgement Of Heaven, 2 A.M., The Angel And The Gambler, Heaven Can Wait, Charlotte The Harlot, The Number Of The Beast, Deja Vu
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling
Clue #4: Devil’s Dance
Clue #5: The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
Clue #6: The Thing That Should Not Let It Be

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild, Losfer Words, Prowler, Judgement Of Heaven, 2 A.M., The Angel And The Gambler, Heaven Can Wait, Charlotte The Harlot, The Number Of The Beast, Deja Vu, Powerslave, Die With Your Boots On, Purgatory (II)
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling
Clue #4: Devil’s Dance
Clue #5: The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
Clue #6: The Thing That Should Not Let It Be
Clue #7: (Formerly) Invisible Kid

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild, Losfer Words, Prowler, Judgement Of Heaven, 2 A.M., The Angel And The Gambler, Heaven Can Wait, Charlotte The Harlot, The Number Of The Beast, Deja Vu, Powerslave, Die With Your Boots On, Purgatory (II), Sea Of Madness, 2 Minutes To Midnight, Fear Of The Dark
No to all.

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long
Clue #2: Phantom Lord
Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling
Clue #4: Devil’s Dance
Clue #5: The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
Clue #6: The Thing That Should Not Let It Be
Clue #7: (Formerly) Invisible Kid
Clue #8:

Incorrect guesses: Dream Of Mirrors, Still Life, Infinite Dreams, Lord Of Light, Remember Tomorrow, Wrathchild, Losfer Words, Prowler, Judgement Of Heaven, 2 A.M., The Angel And The Gambler, Heaven Can Wait, Charlotte The Harlot, The Number Of The Beast, Deja Vu, Powerslave, Die With Your Boots On, Purgatory (II), Sea Of Madness, 2 Minutes To Midnight, Fear Of The Dark, Look For The Truth, Alexander The Great, Phantom Of The Opera

(I've just put together the title of the bootleg... and your appreciation of the song ;) )
Jer said:
A nice acoustic intro with string accompaniment builds to a sweet, gentle verse and pre-chorus that sound great. Then...WTF? This chorus is terrible! Bruce is straining, the lyrics are lame, and the strings become too overblown. The "oh-oh-oh" at the end of the chorus is nice, though.

Another round of verse and pre-chorus, and then we're back to the shitty chorus. A very nice soft interlude follows (still with overblown strings, unfortunately), with some occasional whispering.

More verse and pre-chorus, then a strained "uhh" leads into the crummy chorus again, before finishing off softly.

This song proves two things: 1) Maiden is capable of making a great acoustic-only ballad, and 2) "Journeyman" is definitely not that song. I honestly don't know what they were thinking with that chorus. The rest of the song is pretty good, minus the overblown strings.

This one just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Bad way to end the album. 5/10.
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I feel like it's some sort of reference to the typical acoustic intros that have been on a lot of Janick and Steve's epics as of late. I'll go with "The Talisman".
Prodigal Son

Clue #1: All Nightmare Long - A reference to the lyric “I feel I'm being paid with this nightmare inside me”.

Clue #2: Phantom Lord - The lyric “fall onto your knees” is a reference to the lyric “I’m on my knees, help me please”.

Clue #3: The Unnamed Feeling - A reference to the lyric “I’ve got these feelings and they won’t go away”.

Clue #4: Devil’s Dance - A reference to the lyric “The devil's got a hold on my soul and he just won't let me be“.

Clue #5: The Frayed Ends Of Sanity - The lyric “fighting the fear of fear” is a reference to the lyric “I've got these fears inside that'll bring me to my knees“.

Clue #6: The Thing That Should Not Let It Be - This time a Beatallica reference, again referencing the lyric “The devil's got a hold on my soul and he just won't let me be“.

Clue #7: (Formerly) Invisible Kid - In the original parable of the prodigal son, the younger son leaves home for some time, only returning after squandering his fortune. The kid was “invisible” while he was gone, but now he’s returned.

Clue #8: (Metallica: The Acoustic Shit) - “Prodigal Son” features prominent acoustic instrumentation.
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