Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue 1: The name of this Maiden song is also the name of a solo album by a singer in an influential band. This band made their debut on a very signifcant day in Maiden's history
Clue 2: A line in the lyrics is also the name of an album by a band Maiden have been influenced by.

Hell no's:
Heaven Can Wait, The Ides of March
Holy Smoke
Yep! Your turn

Clues explained:

Clue 1: The name of this Maiden song is also the name of a solo album by a singer in an influential band. This band made their debut on a very signifcant day in Maiden's history.

Bauhaus made their live debut on Dec. 31st 1978, the same day Maiden entered Spaceward Studios to record their first demo.
Bauhaus singer Peter Murphy released a solo album named "Holy Smoke" in 1992.

Clue 2: A line in the lyrics is also the name of an album by a band Maiden have been influenced by.
"Trick of the tail", which is also a Genesis album.
Clue #1: A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride.
Clue #2: Now I can see the whales!

Flat-out complete horseshit guesses from the peanut gallery: Invaders / Killers / Prowler / Sheriff of Huddersfield
Clue #1: A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride.
Clue #2: Now I can see the whales!
Clue #3: Can you feel the madness here? Drawing you all too near…

Flat-out complete horseshit guesses from the peanut gallery: Coming Home / Fear of the Dark / Invaders / Killers / Paschendale / Prowler / Sheriff of Huddersfield / Wrathchild